Monday, October 24, 2011

St George Island Getaway

Vacation was at St George Island this year. This is the boardwalk that leads to the beach from our condo (it's a rental by the way :-) This was one of the stormy days.

This is what it looked like the rest of the week.

We go in October to eat, drink, walk and watch baseball. Here are some highlights.

Oysters and beer. Fat, salty raw oysters with lots of horseradish for me. Doug likes his with hot sauce.

And grilled yellow-fin tuna sandwich

In the evening we watch baseball and grabbed a pizza and wine. Clearly we need to keep an eye on our food as we have persistant beggers. We like to watch the Phillies but alas...they can't be in the series every year. Not that it would bother us in the least!

Someone put the patience in to make a sand alligator. Very cool.

We walked the beach a bit with Kobe and Aja.

Doug rode home while we followed in the car...a car packed with dogs, luggage and the unused bread maker.

I took my new bread maker to the shore in hopes of making hamburger buns among other carby treats. I had forgotten to pack the hamburger meat for starters and the climb up those steep stairs just didn't seem a good idea with the heavy machine.
Bad enough going back and forth with luggage, liquor bottles, dog food, etc.

I did make bread though. Just did it by hand to have with dinner.

Mostly it was a fun time. Maybe next year we'll try and rent a house and just take two cars so Doug can bring his telescope. Very dark skies there, very pretty.

That's the vacation roundup with the exception of a recipe and beverage photo...coming up.


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Welcome and thank you so much for visiting. If I don't answer you here I will get back to you on your blog. Also have had to switch to approving comments due to some SPAM lately. Alas...

It's been a good run...........