Wouldn't you know it, I forgot the camera! All photos here are from my phone.
First off - how cool is it to eat a Thanksgiving meal at an Army post? I loved it. Had delicious turkey and all the chocolate milk I could drink. All requirements of a seriously good meal.
Home of the Third Infantry Division

Me and Doug outside the museum. There were many old vehicles, tanks, helicopters and missle launchers. I wanted to climb inside and on a tank very badly. Not allowed :-(

This old face was just sitting about the compound near some of the antique vehicles from Iraq. The detail is incredible.

I started an ablum of the photos on Facebook so...more there if you are interested.

Unfortunately the only photo I was able to get with our son was this one, him trying to take Aja's photo with his phone.

I was hoping for a family shot with him and his wife...maybe next time. They took us to Savannah for dinner at the Olive Garden and it was very nice. That Olive Garden is much prettier than the one in Tallahassee. There are rock walls, a fireplace and the decor is quite pretty....makes you think you are in a restaurant in Italy. Food was great and it was nice to be treated to the meal :-)
A short trip and of course we'll never have enough visit time with them, but it was good to see their home and get hugs, tour the post and see where Tristan works.
I wish we'd had more time together but hopefully next Turkey day they'll be home.
Still uploading photos from my phone. A challenge for me on the best days.
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