Friday, November 30, 2018

Soupy Jambalaya to warm the tummy

When it gets chilly I like a bowl of comfort food. This is a hearty soupy version of Jambalaya. It's loaded with protein, tomatoes, onions and bell peppers.


First you saute all the veggies, in olive oil and a bit of butter.   I used green and red bell pepper, onions, scallions and tomatoes. Then you add the protein of your choice.  In this case we have sausage and chicken.  You can always use tofu if you want to keep it vegetarian.


The longer it simmers the better it is.  As a matter of fact, I may start making this the day before and then saving it until the next day so all the flavors mingle overnight. This time I used vegetable broth as there was enough of the chicken and sausage fats to thicken things up. You can add rice as it cooks or serve separately and spoon the mixture over the rice.  That way you can control the amount of rice you want.

I don't have a specific recipe as I add whatever I have in the fridge.  We always have onions so that's something I couldn't do without.


Linking up with Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for her Souper Sunday event. Check out her Chickpea and Rice soup this week. I want it! 

Hope your cold is long gone, Deb. Rest and good food will do you wonders.  xo


  1. It was, Vicki. Comfort food!

  2. What a delicious photo -- I wouldn't mind having a bowl of that right now. Onions really are important -- I just bought a big bag but haven't had them on hand for a while and it made for some tough decisions on how to cook.

    best... mae at

  3. Mae, I couldn’t do without onions. They end up in so many dishes here. Your trip to Paris and seeing the wonderful meals you had got me in the mood for French Onion soup. I may make that this week for Deb’s Souper Sunday event.

  4. I love the flavors in Jambalaya and your version looks delicious. Thank you for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week. ;-)

  5. Deb, always happy to join in :-) Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Oh this sounds like the perfect bowl of comfort food! Onions are mandatory around here too. I pretty much use onions in everything.


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