Saturday, December 05, 2020

December's In my kitchen linkup

Hello from north Florida and welcome to Sherry's In My Kitchen event.  What I enjoy about this monthly linkup is seeing what people around the world have in their homes, specifically their kitchens.

From these posts I've been inspired to try new recipes or pickup new-to-me kitchen tools.  I especially like when the gardens are highlighted and usually long to have one of those abundant producing veggie gardens.

Today I will start with an evil product from Trader Joe's. Horseradish and Chive potato chips. Growing up with an unconventional snack of OTC Oyster crackers dipped in horseradish I knew I had to have these chips. I love horseradish. These chips are seasonal, as horseradish is best in Fall and Winter. Oh my......I ate just about two entire bags all on my own.
My husband isn't a horseradish fan so couple that with the fact that I have a chip-tooth (that's like a sweet tooth but it's salty fare instead) so...yeah.  Too many chips.

These little tomatoes are so gorgeous. The colors are vibrant and while I'd love to say I grew them, they in fact came from Costco.

  They add such flavor and color to a simple salad.

This citrus zester for fine grating and the Nigella citrus reamer is a must have in the kitchen.  I recently put these tool to work when I made tequila lime chicken, recipe and photos here

My outside kitchen was put to use when we go camping.  Most recently we went to Manatee Springs state park in Florida. Crazy time there.  

This folding kitchen stand is great for setting up a camp stove and has a wire rack underneath (I don't think you can see it in this photo) as well as a rod for placing a roll of paper towels. When Doug grills I am usually making use of the propane camp stove for veggies or sauce or rice/ potatoes, etc.

Here is the Weber grill; you can see the themed tablecloth and Aja's peace lily on the table  The vet sent a peace lily after she died and we didn't want to leave it home for a long period.   The camp chairs are in place for a fire later.

That's it for this month's In My Kitchen from our place.  I Hope everyone is well and happy during this insane year.

Sharing with Sherry for her In My Kitchen event.


  1. Our temptations have been lower than yours, because we aren't entering any stores at all: no Trader Joe's anything for us until the vaccine is distributed! It's easier to resist when ordering online from Whole Foods, you just don't see the potato chips or whatever.

    I love that you had a meaningful lily plant on your camping trip.

    be safe... mae at

    1. Mae, we ought to be following your example but we do try and keep our visits brief. We always wear a mask and I imagine we will even after the vaccine for a while.

  2. thanks so much for joining in IMK this month. i know how busy we all are! that's a wonderful gesture from the vet. i had a giggle when i read it came with you on holiday.oh yes and thanks for using my IMK logo - much appreciated. it's very hot and humid today so i am sitting in the air con about to bake some pasties. phew! i must be crazy. I love my citrus zester too. i didn't know nigella had a reamer in her catalogue. looks lovely. merry festive season to you. cheers

    1. Sherry, we are enjoying the cooler temps that allow us to have a fire at night but I do look forward to warmer weather. There is only a short period of time here we can wear boots or coats.


  3. I also find things I need in my kitchen through these posts, and I wish for an abundant producing veggie garden as well!

    1. It's always interesting and inspiring to see what people have in their kitchens. The gardens always have my attention.

  4. I have a chip tooth, too! I like your camp setup, and seeing Aja's lily.

    1. Thank you, Stacy. I think that lily may be camping with us in the future. Oh, that chip tooth can be worse than a sweet tooth sometimes!

  5. We have the same Weber grill, but finally decided to get something a little smaller (and lighter!). Can you send me a link to your camp table? We have one that is far too unstable. The legs telescope, so it takes up very little space in the RV basement, but I hate it!

    1. Les, I will send you the link. It's a great little table with case, easy to store.

  6. Those Trader Joe's chips are amazing! Horseradish is one of my absolute favorite flavors (and my husband doesn't like it either) and I almost jumped for joy when I saw them in the chip aisle. Like you I ate about the entire bag on my own. So yummy. That was so sweet of your vet. What a lovely plant.

    1. Katherine, it was very nice of the vet's office to send that and we will take it with us at Christmas too. Oh those chips! You and I could split a bag because I don't need to eat an entire bag on my own. They are so good.

  7. This is the second Trader Joe's must have I've seen as as many days. (Unexpected Cheddar being the other one.) Would you believe I've never set foot in our "local" TJs? I've been in others in other cities. I must remedy this next week (with my mask). Don't you love that you all can take a camping reprieve? I don't know what I would have done this summer if we could not escape to the lake. Your vet is awesome!!!!!

    1. Debra, that's funny. We go to Trader Joes when we are in the area as they have such great produce. It's not near the house but it's always fun to browse there. Yeah, the plant is nice and we take it with us camping. Still miss her.

  8. Horseradish and chives chips, Tina? Oh my! I just picked up another jar of horseradish (the "real" deal, not the creamy kind) to accompany a grilled steak during one of my infrequent trips out of the house. I could become addicted to those! Your camping trip adventures sounded great! (Sorry to hear about your beloved furry friend, though... so nice of her vet to send their condolences and peace plant.) Also loved your simple salad and tequila lime chicken recipe/link. Thank you and Happier Holidays, xo.

    1. Kim, horseradish on staek sounds great! The chips are indeed addictive. I ate both bags. Yikes! Thanks for the condolances on Aja. She was a real presence in the household.

  9. What a great setup for camping! I grew up in New Port Richey on the West coast (and graduated from FSU) so I have been to Manatee Springs. Did you go swimming with the Manatees? I have fond memories of swimming in the beautiful fresh water springs of Florida.

    1. Hi Liz, I am also a FSU grad and just never left the area. We have been in the spring but not tghis last time. The manatees are so cool to see!

  10. oh my i do like horseradish crisps, don't find them often in teh UK and when i do - i am super excited. Missing our homegrown tomatoes too, we harvested the last in November. Delicious.

    1. Shaheen, I am jealous of your homegrownm tmatoes. I need a greenhouse.


Welcome and thank you so much for visiting. If I don't answer you here I will get back to you on your blog. Also have had to switch to approving comments due to some SPAM lately. Alas...

It's been a good run...........