Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Mandarin Chicken
{a quick fakeaway meal}

 This is a recipe I have been meaning to try for a while.  It's been languishing in the loose recipe folder. Mandarin chicken is a quick prep easy meal for a fakeaway night.  Wish we'd bought potstickers to go with it. 

Prep the veggies and half your work is done.

It's a one pot meal, except the rice you'll need to make as a side.

Next time I am adding extra snap peas.

Mandarin Chicken

One 11-ounce can mandarin oranges
1/4 cup Teriyaki sauce
2 whole chicken breast, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 TB vegetable oil
1/4 garlic powder
1 medium onion chopped
10 ounces or so of snap peas
1/4 fresh mushrooms, sliced

Drain mandarin oranges reserving 2 TB of liquid. Blend reserved orange syrup with teriyaki sauce in a glass cup and set aside.
Heat oil in skillet then add chicken and garlic, stir frying for about 3 minutes. Remove chicken from pan.

Add onions, peas and mushrooms to the pan and stir fry for 3 minutes or until onions are tender.  Add chicken and teriyaki mixture.  Cook and stir until chicken and vegetables are heated.  Gently stir in mandarins just before serving.  Serve over hot rice.

NOTE: I used boneless skinless thighs instead and fresh snap peas instead of frozen.  If you prep by slicing/ measuring ahead of time it only takes a few minutes tt cook later on.  I did the prep before we took Loki to the park and I was glad, got dinner on the table fast.


  1. Asian-flavored foods are high on my list of things to cook soon. We had some packaged pot stickers earlier today, but that's too easy!

    best... mae at

    1. Mae, we ended up buying potstickers for the leftovers. It went well.

  2. I've been cooking a lot of Asian-inspired dishes this year... we love dinners like this! A few months ago I bought a can of mandarin oranges for a specific recipe then, of course, couldn't find the recipe. I'll use it for this one instead. Thanks!

    1. JoAnn, I have done the same, bought a particular thing for a recipe and then can't remember for what. We like the stir frys as they are so versatile.

  3. I would love that except I'd leave the mushrooms out. I LOVE chicken and snap peas and anything teriyaki flavored.

  4. I'm with Vicki on skipping the mushrooms but other then that this looks great! Snap peas are something I enjoy but neglect and I love the idea of a "fakeaway" meal. We do takeout WAY too often!

    1. Katherine, I will take your share of mushrooms and share with my friend Deb :-) This is a good quick meal where you may have the pantry items handy.

  5. It looks easy and delicious and I'll take Vicki and Katherine's mushrooms in mine, please! ;-)

  6. Tina, I am going to have to remember this one, especially when we already have cooked rice in the fridge!

    1. Melynda, I hope you enjoy it, I can't wait to have it again.

  7. I have a tin of mandarins in the cupboard, part of my pandemic stock the pantry from last year. I will try this.

  8. P.S. I would use boneless skinless thighs as well, maybe some snow peas and bean sprouts as well.

  9. I love this! I haven't had mandarin chicken in forever, but my mom used to make it. Guess what's going on a meal plan in the near future!

    1. BFR - please post on Instagram! You always have great foodie photos

  10. I love the idea of fakeaway meals!

    1. Marg, it's definitely less expensive and you get it hotter :-)


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