Thursday, May 11, 2023

Pappardelle Noodles with Spring Vegetables.....
and using up leftovers for another meal

I saw this recipe in a Food Network magazine and I thought it looked delicious, easy to prepare as well as an attractive presentation. The noodles were packaged as nests and silly me, I thought they'd stay nestlike after cooking.  Nope!

Here is a photo of the noodles below.  I've never met a pasta I didn't like but these noodles were problematic.   Recipe from Food Network HERE 

As the nests untangle after cooking they become long as spaghetti yet fat and wide as lasagna.  Not as wide as a lasagna noodle but fairly close.  This made it almost impossible to eat.  Guess I could have cut the noodles in the bowl but overall - meh. 

👇Never toss out leftovers or orphan vegetables! 👇

With the leftover uncooked Pappardelle nests I made a thinner version of stew.  Using two small cooked chicken thighs, I shredded those and made a milky broth from a fricassee we'd had two nights ago. Added to the chicken and broth were sliced carrots, peas and mushrooms.

I broke up the noodles by smashing them on the counter (inside a baggie) and added to the thick broth. It was a very tasty lunch.


  1. I've been working through a bag of that nest-pasta too. I think they are meant for very chunky sauces. I kind of like them.
    best, mae at

    1. Mae, I've used nested fettucine but this was my first try of these noodles.

  2. I would have thought the same thing about the nest pasta. I have a very low tolerance for food that is difficult to eat. I'm not sure what that says about my patience level. I've been on a butternut squash ravioli kick lately. I think I could eat that with a drizzle of balsamic glaze for pretty much every meal right now.

    1. Katherine, it surely needed cutting ! I've never had butternut squash ravioli, I'll look at Publix. Is that where you found it?

  3. Hey, when one recipe doesn't quite work...create another! I never met a pasta I didn't like either, but some varieties are more lovable than others. :)

    1. Debra, oh I am a firm believer in repurposing some dish into another. Saves money and it's creative too!

  4. It is really hard to find different gluten-free pastas other than spaghetti, lasagna nd penne. I am a huge fan of pappardelle, but the nests I see here are this fat.

    1. Jackie, if you have a Whole Foods near you I have seen gluten free pasta there. It's not as well stocked at local grocery chains though.

  5. Vicki, they have them at Publix but I'm so short I had to get someone to get it for me - top shelf! Thank you, it was tasty.

  6. I'm with you - never met a pasta I didn't like! We tried that pappardelle sometime during the pandemic with Ina Garten's weeknight bolognese recipe. It was really good, but difficult to eat.

    1. JoAnn, I ended up breaking up the rest of the nests to use in another meal. They were tasty but problematic. I've always loved pasta, probably my upbringing :-)

  7. Oh that stews looks like a delicious lunch!

    1. Greg, it was! I love using up leftovers for lunch.

  8. I found this Scottish series streaming on the local CBC station.

    1. Jackie, that looks good - I am adding to my growing list!

  9. We do have to compensate if we need to reach things! I usually ask someone to reach as I'm not graceful and the possibilty of falling is probably good.


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