Sunday, May 14, 2023

Weekly update - Reading, watching and watering plants

Watching / From our library we acquired Bloodlands season two and an older series (but new to us) The Closer. Bloodlands is a very dark series set in Northern Ireland.  Hardly anyone likeable and a very corrupt murderous member of the police.  Explosive secrets will be revealed. This is an Acorn media production with 6 episodes. If you've seen season one and move to this one, there's a heartbreaker of a scene in this season 👇

Someone suggested The Closer to my husband and we decided to give it a go.  Love it!  It's set in Los Angeles and we have enjoyed season one already.  Library has all the seasons so we can continue with this one for quite a while.

📚Reading / I finished book 2 in the DCI Raven series-  Beneath Cold Earth by M. S. Morris - these books 📕 would most likely appeal to fans of Peter Robinson/ Inspector Banks series. The setting is Yorkshire and the descriptive writing drops you straight into the biting wind and rain in many scenes. 

 Yesterday I finished The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz. I didn't like it nearly as much as The Latecomer.  Will look for more by this author as I do like her writing style.
 ( Click on the book title to take you to my Goodreads  reviews if interested.)  

It's not all bookish news here - recently I posted....

Gardening and learning about which plants thrive in north Florida

Pappardelle Noodles with Spring Vegetables and a soup


  1. Your recommendation of Unforgotten was one that we greatly appreciate, so now we shall try The Closer. My library has that series and I've just requested season one.

    Thank you for sharing what you are reading, too, Tina.

    1. Deb, I have gotten suggestions from fellow bloggers and I very much appreciate that! I am looking forward to season 5 of Unforgotten. Also season 3 of Van Der Valk.

      I get great suggestions for tv shows and books from Sunday Salon :-)

    2. I get great suggestions for tv shows and books from Sunday Salon, too!

  2. I remember watching and liking The Closer years ago.....don't watch much TV these days so if I'm going to watch anything, it'll be something I haven't seen before. Hope you continue to enjoy the show. I read The Plot a while ago and it was ..... okay. I
    haven't read Latecomer; maybe I should give it a try. Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, it's new to us and so we have many seasons to enjoy upcoming. I think you'll enjoy The Latecomer. Thanks for the visit.

  3. I need to try acorn. I see so many Brit shows I want to try but without acorn or Britbox I never seem to. I like the sound of the Yorkshire series too.

    1. Greg, your library may have these DVDs, that's how we watch. The Yorkshire book series is good!

  4. Bloodlands looks good. We currently have BritBox, but not Acorn -- I bet that I can get them at the library, though.

    1. Joy, if your library doesn't have them you may be able to ask for interlibrary loan. I do that.

  5. Sounds like you have several good books to read and things to watch! Yay!!!

    1. Jinjer, I've more books than I can read this year, probably!!

  6. Hmm, it sounds like I might be disappointed with The Plot so soon after loving The Latecomer. Maybe I'll wait a while before starting it. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. JoAnn, honestly if I'd read The Plot first I would still read more by Korelitz but I wouldn't have started one immediately. I may be in the minority here if you look at reviews on Goodreads. Happy mother's day to you as well!

    2. Thanks, Tina. I won't get to it this summer, but will try to read The Plot this fall/winter.

  7. The Closer is a good show but the spin off - Major Crimes - is better, make sure you add it to your binge list!
    I’m binge watching a British series Escape To The Country right now and quite a few are looking to move to Yorkshire.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thank you, Shelleyrae, I'll add both shows to my list. Yorkshire sounds appealing right now with the heat we are experiencing!

  8. I liked Peter Robinson's series, so I'll have to keep an eye out for Morris' books.

    1. Reese, I was saddended by Robinson's death and am looking forward to his last novel.

  9. We have Bloodlands on our list to eventually watch. I recognize James Nesbitt from another show called The Missing (which has a spin-off show called Baptiste). I added The Closer to my list, although my mom and Rod both prefer British shows. I have to remind them that they both loved Bosch, and to give this one a try. :)

    1. Les, Bloodlands is very dark and honestly, there aren't a lot of likeable characters but season one grabbed us. I remember James Nesbitt as Pig Finn in Waking Ned Devine! Oh, I would like to try Bosch too.

  10. We watched The Closer when it was on and really loved it. As often happens it goes off the rails a bit by the end but even that wasn't too bad. There's a sequel to it that involves most of the same team though I can't remember what it's called. Looks like you're reading some great books! I need to add Beneath Cold Earth to my TBR. That sounds like one I'd enjoy.

    1. Katherine, we are almost done with season two of The Closer. Love it so far. Adding Major Crimes (the sequel) to my list now. Landscape of Death is the first in the DCI Tom Raven series and this is a series I am enjoying. I just preordered book 4.

  11. Vicki, one of Doug's friends online suggested The Closer and we are enjoying it. Apparently there is a followup show and we will look for that when we are done. Currently are into season two.
    Thanks for the suggestions for the two shows, I will check them out. The library is our chief source of entertainment.


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It's been a good run...........