Monday, August 25, 2008

Floods and road closures

This is NOT our house - just a snap of Tallahassee.

It's Monday and it doesn't feel like it. Doug had to work all weekend to report storm related deaths and so...yesterday felt like a workday, not a Sunday. The rain kept hammering Gadsden county yesterday. I could hear things falling on the roof and the thunder was constant. Kobe was not at all pleased. He hates thunder. When the rumbling seemed to subside I took them out for a walk, slogging through calf deep water trying to find them places to walk. Then the sky went black again, thunder increased so it sounded like a train freight yard behind our house. With the high risk of getting struck by lightning in Florida, I decided it would be prudent to drag the pups home.

The ground is so over saturated that our septic system quit working. Get a shower upstairs and it backs up in the downstairs tub. Totally disgusting. We finally got the electricity back on very late Saturday evening. Unfortunately 2 tubs of ice cream had turned to liquid and it broke my heart to toss ice cream. Love ice cream. Also had to throw out other previously frozen items like sausages, bananas that were meant to be smoothies, etc. The chicken stayed just frozen enough to be cooked immediately. Yummy chicken Parmesan and fresh pasta last night. Tonight the flank steak will become fajitas.

On the very plus side we still don't have water inside the house and for that I am very thankful. There are people with cracked foundations where a retaining wall broke, sweeping water through their homes. There are people who needed to be evacuated by the sheriff's department, floating away from their homes in small boats. In our county they called the national guard because of the problems with looting. That was, thankfully, short lived and in a small town just 10 miles northwest of our home. Since we are in a rural area we weren't as worried about looting or prowlers. Sometimes I don't think people know we are back there since you can't see the house from the road.

Tropical Storm Gustav formed in the Caribbean and it may take the same track as Fay. All of us along the gulf states sincerely hope not!

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