Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mini Weekend Wine Review: Pennywise Pinot Noir

Pennywise Pinot Noir.

$10.99 at World Market but we picked it up on a good sale for $7.89. However, it was not very good at all. It was washed out, palest colored pinot we’d ever seen…put you in mind of Kool Aid. I wouldn't buy it again. Ever.

By the time I uploaded the photo I'd forgotten what we paired this with. I remember being sad we didn't have a backup Pinot.

That's about it.


  1. You should always have a spare bottle of something you love...just in case.I stash a few bottles on the side...just in case.
    I wanted to let you know I made Gwyneth Paltrow's Salsa; it was a hit! they brought back the recipe with them.

  2. Thanks CJ

    Rita - I am so happy to hear that. Yes, we decided to make that Gwyneth recipe again in the future. So tropical. And yeah...don't I know that now about wine and spares!!

    Thanks ladies!

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