Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Guinea Fowl, Books and a Navarin d'Agneau

There are many things I love about a ride down a country back road. This is one of them. Seeing this very unexpected line of guinea fowl crossing the road. Very slowly....keeping cars from passing as they inched forward.

Running away......

Yes, people could just blow through and leave a mangled mess of feathers and dead birds but I am pleased that a slower pace and politeness won the moment.

Books and Reading Challenges

On the reading front I have finished another Maggie O’Farrell book – The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox and have been fortunate enough to snag the newest book (Paris) by Edward Rutherfurd. I have read both books in his Ireland series as well as The Forest. Very much enjoyed them.

Since it's December - (yikes how did that get here so quickly?!) I am looking ahead to my reading goals. Just joined in with Shelly Rae at her site Book'd Out for her 2014 Eclectic Reader Challenge. Check it out HERE. I have enjoyed being part of the reading challenge group at Beth Fish Reads for 2013 and need to get hustling to finish up the What's in a Name

Last but certainly not least, here is a wonderful Navarin d'Agneau from French Classics by Richard Grausman. I have made this version many times and it never disappoints. If you'd like to see my previous efforts (and the recipe) check it out HERE

Coming up will be more Donna Hay dishes, Nigel Slater books and wine reviews.

The latest foodie website to catch my fancy is The Pie Patch...check it out. Lots of great recipes, DIY projects and witty writing. Love it.

Take care out there.


  1. A place around the corner from us used to have guinea hens, free-roaming. I'll just say, I'm guessing the neighbors weren't happy about that. One made it all the way to our property once and the loud and strange. Not to mention all of the honking horns and screeching tires from them running in front of cars. I swear, they were suicidal, tottering TOWARD cars instead of away!

  2. I've never seen a guinea fowl alive and moving around -- only bought them from French butcher shops. Have you managed to buy any roastable versions? Or do you view them as your neighbor's pets? I always loved the taste.

    The lamb stew sounds good too.

    mae at

  3. I admire that you commit to the food and reading challenge you do. I can never keep up with that. I wish I could.

  4. Janel, we had a flock of these birds down the road. The people who owned them put up signs, "Beware, Slow down, Guinea Fowl crossing" and it did no good at all. Those birds were killed and feathers littered the road constantly. They aren't very smart!

    Thank you for visiting Mae and also for your nice comment. Funny, I have never seen the fowl for sale in shops. But I am curious about the yard eggs they sell where these birds live.

    Debbie, I just do it as it inspires me. I never feel pressured cause it is truly my "for fun" outlet!!

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It's been a good run...........