Thursday, March 31, 2016

Nigella's Cole Slaw and dining on the patio

If this weather holds out I will be very happy. It’s not too hot, certainly not cold and the rain has lessened (for a few days). This means we can finally eat dinner on the patio without needing coats. We can turn on the little colored lights that border the back of the house and watch the cardinals and finches get their last meal of the day before dusk. Grilled foods are now a regular for months to come.

Doug grills the very best wings, crispy skin yet retaining moistness. Whenever he grills wings I make Nigella Lawson’s version of cole slaw.


These are a natural together and the slaw is so easy to prepare. I don’t think I have ever had buttermilk in the house when I undertake the slaw process but no worries – just add a few teaspoons of white vinegar to a ¼ cup of milk. After it sits it’s remarkably thick, you’d never know it wasn’t true buttermilk, unless you are a buttermilk connoisseur.


This is from Nigella Express, one of my very favorite cookbooks. I use this cookbook and recipe so much the pages are water stained.

New Orleans Cole Slaw

1 head of white cabbage, weighing about 2 pounds before trimming
2 carrots
2 sticks celery
4 scallions
1 cup best quality, preferably organic, store-bought mayonnaise
4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) buttermilk
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2/3 cup pecans, fairly finely chopped

Trim and shred the cabbage; you can do this either by hand or with a food processor.

Peel and grate the carrots, and finely slice the celery and scallions.

Whisk together the mayonnaise, buttermilk, maple syrup and vinegar and coat the shredded vegetables with this dressing.

Season with salt and pepper and toss with the chopped nuts.

Linking up to Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for her Souper Sunday and with Beth Fish's Weekend Cooking Series.



  1. Thanks, Vicki. I think the equal parts maple syrup and apple cider vinegar make a good taste combo.

  2. Your slaw sounded so good that I made a close approximation for dinner tonight. It tasted great! Thanks.

    best... mae at

  3. Ooooh - that sounds delicious!

  4. Oh I think I'm jealous. We're a few weeks away from being able to eat outside. :( But those wings and coleslaw sound wonderful and say SUMMER!

  5. YUM!! We are a while away from eating outside too. Love coleslaw!! Hey... I WILL link up with Souper Sundays very soon!! Promise. Have a great day.

  6. Won't be sitting outside here for a while yet, either. Supposedly we have a polar vortex coming through.

    I am pinning this slaw, it is so hard to find a good one.

  7. I love Nigella's recipes and Nigella Express is such a great book. The wings sound amazing! And the combination sounds even better. I'll definitely have to give this one a try!

  8. Your meal looks absolutely perfect. I want all of it, and will have to give that coleslaw recipe a try for sure.

  9. Yum yum! Love the entire meal -- must try the coleslaw recipe soon. :)

  10. Lovely Cole slaw! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  11. Thank you all for the nice comments! I have been visiting your sites and love what you've brought to Weekend Cooking!

  12. I normally prefer an oil-based cole slaw dressing to one made with mayonnaise, but I bet the addition of cider vinegar, maple syrup and pecans makes this version unique and refreshing. I will try it the next time we smoke a brisket :)

  13. My son loves cole slaw, I'm going to make this for sure.

  14. Chicken wings and cole slaw sound like the perfect meal!! Usually in baking I use plain yoghurt in place of buttermilk (which I never have around), I wonder if that will work for the coleslaw?

  15. Thanks all so much. I felt inspired making this slaw. I hope you love it if you make it.

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