Sunday, May 29, 2016

3 Crazy Bakers in Moultrie Georgia

This post is really about a ride we took north into Moultrie Georgia....but I also have to share a bit about the place we went to eat. For us it's usually ride to eat expeditions. Usually long rides but this one was only about 3 hours round trip.

Three Crazy Bakers is located in the heart of downtown Moultrie near the courthouse. They have been open for years and have quite a good business going. The previous time we ate there it was great. This time I had a better lunch than Doug as they disappointed us on the quiche.

They have a large menu featuring 6 salads, loads of sandwiches and dinner casseroles. Check out the menu HERE - they are very reasonable

Here is my Santa Fe Chicken Salad. If you want a packed salad, this is one of those offered and I liked it very much. Doug ordered Quiche which came with a mini muffin and fruit. Unfortunately, the quiche portion was very small so, I don't think he will ever get that again. I wouldn't.


Ok, ready for a ride? Here are some photos I snapped from my seat on the back of the bike. Thus, some are fuzzy photos but I still wanted to share.

A cool looking country home. We were riding along and I saw several homes I liked.

another house

Double silo


One of the many barns we saw on this road. Truly country living.


This house has to be very old but I see much appeal in living way out here. I can imagine us spending many hours sitting on the porch in the evenings, listening to the night wildlife, enjoying a glass of wine and dreaming.

cool country house

Lots of farm land and pasture.....


One of my favorite sights - cows.


And here's the map..........

Linking up to Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for her Souper Sunday.



  1. Nice photos! I took one of some haystacks yesterday,like you, I couldn't resist. We were out in the countryside yesterday here in Ann Arbor, and have been enjoying country rides (by car in our case) in various places recently.

    Too bad about the quiche.

    best... mae at

  2. I know its like therapy to get on the back of the motorcycle and just ride. What a great feeling!
    Driving through rural Georgia provides so many photo opportunities and I see you captured a few.


  3. Unfortunately slow Spanish Internet means I can't see the photos 😯
    Menu sounds great except for the quiche portions.

  4. Tana m all! It's always a good time to ride somewhere, see new sights and get a meal at a loaf joint.

    Mrs. L, I guess if you retire to Spain I shall have to send you photos via email 😒

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It's been a good run...........