Friday, June 24, 2016

Homemade Mahi Mahi Quesadillas

I mentioned in past posts how we have fallen in lust with fish tacos (or quesadillas). We tried Mad Anthony's at the waterfront and Mahi Mahi Tacos at The Riverside in St Marks.

We decided to try our hand at making some at home. Doug grilled fish on the charcoal grill....with some help from Aja.


We wrapped it in regular tortillas and served cheese grits and avocado. I chopped some avocado onto the tortilla and wrapped the fish in that too.

mahi taco1

For the sauce we used this fantastcially delicious sweet chili sauce. It's sweet with just the right amount of kick, not spicy hot. I think I could use this sauce on sandwiches, burgers, chicken and maybe even biscuits. Funny, I always associated Thai food with intense heat and so I have avoided it.

mahi taco3

Here is a peek at the inside of my quesadilla. You can see the fish, the condiments and avocado. It was wonderful!

mahi taco4

A taco or quesadilla is just like a sandwich to me, loosely defined but there it is. So, I am linking up to Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for her Souper Sunday. HERE is the link to this week's Souper Sunday. Have you made soup? Sandwiches or salad? Link it up with me !!


Also linking up to Beth Fish's Weekend Cooking Series.


  1. Fish tacos can be varied in a lot of ways. Yours sounds great. I also like the kind from taco stands with deep-fried fish and coleslaw. Or with fish and regular taco ingredients like Mexican salsa. Or any kind.

    best... mae at

  2. Whatever you're calling it -- it looks pretty darn good. I'm always hesitant about Thai food because it's usually so peanut laden. I'll have to see if any of our stores sells that sauce. Even if I can't eat it, maybe my husband would like it.

  3. Mae, it's a healthy way to eat fish if you don't fry it. Love the delivery method of tortillas.

    BFR, it's not spicy, just a wee kick. I can tell you I am a huge baby about spicy food so it's not a killer!

  4. I, too, have developed an addiction to fish tacos!!!

  5. C'mon, Jackie, we can explore and search for them together 😃

  6. Your fish tacos looks so good! Will have to try making some soon. :)

  7. Aja looks like quite the helper! It sounds like your fish tacos were delicious and I'll have to look for that chili sauce. I love a good mix of heat and sweet but I haven't had much luck finding one I really liked.

  8. I probably eat some sort of fish taco creation once a week so I understand your lust for them. ;-) I had not thought to use the sweet chili sauce with them so I'll have to try it. I made a Donna Hay recipe a couple weeks ago that mixed sweet chili sauce/jam (1 to 1) with lime juice as a dressing and I loved it and have been eating it on veggie noodles--now I am going to try it on fish tacos.

    Thanks for sharing your quesadilla 'sandwich ' with Souper Sundays this week. ;-)

  9. Hi Tina, I hadn't thought of using sweet chilli sauce with fish - must try it. We get it in different grades of heat here -- we like it hot! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  10. Thank you all for the nice comments. I can say, the chili sauce is good with the right amount of kick but not heat. No peanut taste, I love it!

  11. I'm not a big fish fan, but I think with the right toppings fish tacos would be great. Love sweet chili sauce...and avocado. Mmmm!

  12. I love fish tacos, quesadillas too, and make them a lot. Mahimahi is a favorite fish when I can get it. Seems sometimes like the hotels, restaurants here get most of it from the fishermen.

  13. p.s. That is not in fact all, I use the Thai sweet chilli sauce all the time - great to mix into mayo, fab on fried eggs, pour over cream cheese and blast in the oven as a party dip (serve with nachos or similar to scoop)

  14. Trish and Vicki - I understand not being a fish fan, does that go for all seafood such as shrimp and crab too?

    Claudia, we also have access to a great fresh fish market/source. That can make all the difference.

    Jo, I love that idea of cream cheese and chili sauce, what a great dip. This is my first experience with it, having it served with the fish tacos previously. Love that stuff!


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