Thursday, April 15, 2021

Jacques Pépin's Penne, Ham and Vegetable casserole

It's April 15 and a cool rainy day here. This month we have had quite a bit going on but only in the planning stages - I'll be glad when some of it is done with.  

Next week we have a tree service coming by to take out nine trees.  I don't think they want us here getting underfoot as most of these trees are close to the house. Frankly it will be so noisy that we will go off with Loki and find something else to occupy us all day.

We are also in the midst of planning a kitchen and bath remodel, who knew that would be so much work!  I'll be sure to take before and after photos.

Getting on to foodie stuff - here is a casserole I won't be able to make when the kitchen  is demolished and I don't have access to an oven!  The theme at I Heart Cooking Club is Put It On Repeat so here is a casserole from Jacques Pépin.

Comfort food, a nice thing when it's gloomy and rainy.

A one dish meal is perfect as it's easy to store in the fridge and you don't have a load of different dishes and pots. Basically this is a mac and cheese with ham and veggies.  I do remember our son liking it first time he tried it seven years ago. That was memorable as our granddaughter was under a year old then....she just celebrated her 7th birthday 😯

I have made this before but can't find the link on my blog so, check out this link for the recipe HERE

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  1. Good luck with the remodel. It's a stressful thing to do. When we did the kitchen our contractor said it wouldn't be cooking that bothered us -- microwave, electric skillet, take-out, whatever would work. What would bother us is nowhere to do dishes. He was right. I hope you have it figured out.

    be safe... mae at

    1. Mae, we will most lilely live in our RV during the kitchen part of the remodel so we can do dishes there. It will be tight for a while but I'm looking forward to have a more modern kitchen when it's over.

  2. Sounds like A LOT of work ahead! Hope it all goes smoothly. Wish I'd seen that ham recipe before I used all the Easter leftovers ;-)

    1. JoAnn, it's a creamy casserole that saves well, great for leftovers.

  3. I think Sage would love this. It looks exactly like comfort! I'll make it sometime and tell her about Elizabeth, whose grandmother knows the importance of cozy socks and a good book.

    1. Stacy, socks and books are super inmportant! I think you all will like this casserole. Simple can be best.

  4. It's been dismal here lately, so this sounds like a great idea.

    1. Deb, I think we are on the same latitude so you are probably getting the same crappy weather. Sigh.

  5. Vicki, $9,000!!!!!!!! We were quoted $2,700 but it may be mmmore expensive if you are in a neighborhood where they have trouble manuevering. Not sure. Oh my.

  6. Tina, a kitchen remodel is something I should do, but probably won't. Re-plastering the pool, more likely. We do love all variations of Mac'n Cheese, and this one looks especially good.

    1. Claudia, there are times I think I’d rather have a pool than an updated kitchen!

  7. Pepin wins the casserole award, hands down! I love all his gratins and casseroles.
    I made this one awhile back and loved it. Yours looks way creamier than mine! I have some leftover Easter ham in the freezer and this recipe is calling to me!

    Good luck with the remodel. Sounds like you have a lot of grilling and outdoor cooking in your future:)

    1. Kim, we plan lots of skillet meals and lots of grilling when we are ousted from our kitchen. You are correct, Pepin has some yummy casseroles!

  8. This looks so delicious and so comforting!

    Good luck with your reno. We did ours a couple of years ago. We had to plan carefully to have minimal disruption to our cooking and washing up.

    1. Marg, thank you and thaks for adding my link to Weekend Cooking.

  9. this looks very comforting tina. hope all goes well with the reno.

  10. There is a lot happening at this time of the year. An easy and comforting dish sounds so right!

  11. Oh this looks delicious and I can't resist something described as macaroni and cheese with vegetables. I'm running through my list of low clean up recipes and this sounds like one I need to try!


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