Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday Salon the kitchen and library

 Hello from north Florida where everything is covered with pollen! This week I've been making bread, soup and Rogan Josh.

Kitchen / When Doug grills steak often times we have a bit leftover. I save the leftovers of flat iron, fillet and the occasional skirt steak. These bits are used along with marrow bones and any vegetables in the fridge to make homemade soup. This was just perfect for a very rainy day earlier in the week.

Sipping / This is a Jean Bouchard Chablis I had not tried before and I rather like it. I  like the Louis Jadot Chablis a bit more but this one has a nice citrusy taste. Easy to get carried away, if you aren't careful. :-)

Herbs / The local library is a great source for getting information on just about anything.  Currently I’m trying to figure out this herb garden. What grows well together and what needs more shade than sun. I checked these out and one has recipes using the herbs.

Reading / I finished Perfect Prey and Perfect Remains, two Helen Fields' novels, Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty and Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews.

This is the latest photo of Loki sleeping that I tweeted out to say good night on Twitter. 

I didn't think I'd get a post together for Sunday Salon two weeks in a row! I get so distracted with other things when I am online and then, down the rabbit hole. Going to start using my lists again to stay focused.

I hope your week was a good one!

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. You did well. Two Sunday posts in a row. There’s some sort of rule for how many times you do something before it becomes a habit…I think you are on your way.

    I’d love to know more about herbs. We have been growing rosemary and oregano for some time. I’d like to add basil and maybe one or two more.

    1. Deb, thank you and I hope to link next week with photos of the herbs. I have oregano and have also planted basil and chives. I'm learning as I go.

  2. I like to use fresh herbs in cooking if I'm able so the herb garden should be something I would do.
    I've read a couple of Liane Moriarty books but not that one, so I'm going to find out more. Enjoy your week.

    1. Mia, thanks for visiting. I'd been too lazy to start the herb garden before but this is The year! I liked Moriarity's book What Alice Forgot and hope to get more of her work.

  3. Your dog photo is lovely. I hope he's now becoming a responsible family member!

    We grow a few herbs in pots and enjoy cooking with them. I hope you have fun with that project.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae, oh...Loki has his moments! He is still frightened of large groups of people so when we go to the park to walk, it can be challenging. Overall he's doing much better.

  4. I bought a basil plant this week but it is looking rather sad. However, I bought a bunch of cilantro and it had a lot of roots so I put them in water and the cilantro is growing!! Will post a photo next week.

    1. Jackie, yes please post a photo. I haven;t tried getting anything growing in water yet. I do break off bits of plants here and there and start them in a pot outdoors.

  5. Awww Loki looks so sweet and that soup looks delicious!!!! I've often thought about making veggie beef soup but the one I get from our local restaurant is so perfect I'm scared that no recipe I try will be as good so why bother? lol

    1. Jinjer, it's' a "recipe" my mom made and it always comes out so well. Easy! Thanks you, Loki is can of worms sometimes but we love him!

  6. Loki looks so cute. Love that picture. The soup looks so good.

    I hope you have a great week!

  7. That soup looks delicious. I like to add leftover steak to our soups, too.

    Loki reminds me of our dear old dog, Annie. She used to love to burrow under pillows and blankets.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Les, Loki does burrow at night. He wraps himself in a sheet and twirls until he looks like a mummy. Not sure how he breathes when sleeping this way.

  8. Your soup looks so good! I love soup, but I never make it because nobody else in the house likes it.

    1. AJ, there is plenty leftover. Pity we aren't neighbors!

  9. That soup looks really yummy and that wine! I'll have to see if I can find it in my liquor store. Awww. Loki is so sweet!

    1. Thanks, Heather. Loki is settling in, only took a year!

  10. You don't need to have a lot of content for a Sunday Post. Mostly everyone just wants an update! Soups look lovely and pollen is always an issue for us humans with allergies!

    Have a good week!

    Elza Reads

    1. Elza, I had been linking to Sunday Salon and somehow got away from it. Oh yeah, the pollen is awful.

  11. I love soup and had planned on making Cabbage soup last week but hurt my back and have been either in bed or a chair since then, so I'll make it this week.

    I just love Loki, such a beauty!

    1. Vicki, I hope you are feeling better soon. A back injury is tough as you can't move at all without hurting!

  12. I used to have herbs in my NY garden, but the only thing I have here is basil. We're subtropical here, but I might be able to get a few other things to grow in containers. Will be curious to hear how things go for you. The soup looks delicious!

    1. JoAnn, I had a garden years back &now I'd like to try again. Fresh herbs in recipes are amazing.

  13. It is still hot here but I could do with some soup! I enjoyed Apples Never Fall, which I read some time ago :)

    1. Tandy, this an author new to me but I see she's prolific so I'm going to try more of her work.

  14. I'm thinking about doing a herb garden this year. I used to garden but stopped in 2019 and haven't started back up. I was thinking of just going with herbs because they're a little less finicky than vegetables. Have you ever read Carrots Love Tomatoes? My grandmother got me that book the first year I gardened and it's all about companion planning. I thought it was pretty interesting. The yellow fog hasn't descended on us yet but my allergies are telling me that something is blooming or growing that I'm not a fan of. I've been living off the benadryl and allegra lately. I was so proud of myself last week because I wasn't in the mood for cooking so I threw together a bag of frozen rice, a frozen veggie stir fry with sauce mix from Trader Joe's, and some chicken for a quick stirfry and it was so good! I'm terrible at impromptu meals so it felt like such a huge accomplishment!

    1. Katherine, I will check out Carrots love Tomatoes. Right now I am getting back into it very slowly. I have already planted more than I thought I would though! Yellow Fog - perfect description. My eyes are loving the drops Refresh now.

      Good meal you made, that stir fry!


Welcome and thank you so much for visiting. If I don't answer you here I will get back to you on your blog. Also have had to switch to approving comments due to some SPAM lately. Alas...

It's been a good run...........