Wednesday, February 15, 2023

We are Sanjeev Bhaskar fans :-)

Usually I post my book and movie roundup on Saturday but I finished a few books so, thought I'd jump in today.  Thanks much to the kind people who have been encouragiing about blogging.  Appreciated.

📚 Books / This past week I had a load of items come in all at once. ðŸ“š

I've finished Exiles by Jane Harper,  84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff and am almost done reading In Shetland. Much thanks to Nan at Letters from a Hill Farm for suggesting other books by Helene Hanff. ( Click on the book title to take you to Goodreads for reviews if interested.)

Watching / We have finished season four of Unforgotten. What an emotional end to that season.  We are looking forward to season five but it will be a while before it's broadcast here and then we will have to wait for the DVD. Do yourself a favor if you plan to watch this series - Do Not read anything about season four ahead of time!!

Just finished season one of  The Indian Doctor  This is set in 1960's Wales. Apparently we can not get enough of Sanjeev Bhaskar :-) 

Have you seen Yesterday?  Now that was a cool movie as it featured Beatles songs throughout and Sanjeev Bhaskar in a supporting character role.

In the kitchen/ I'll be posting about a good stir fry, a tasty dish with couscous and a failed zoodle meal on Saturday.

That's it from my neck of the woods.  Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

Linking with

 Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon

Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday


  1. Season 5 of Unforgotten is going to be on TV here in the UK starting at the end of Feb. I'm looking forward to it.
    I've not seen the Yesterday film but I think some of it was filmed in Suffolk

    1. Sue, yes I do beleiev much of Yesterday was in Suffolk. We are Beatles fans and it was an interesting tale. Imagine waking up and no one remembers the Beatles but you. Fun story.

  2. The Beatles in one way seem so retro, but then again they seem very much alive. We have kept the love going: our daughter, so-in-law, and granddaughters love them too! So maybe we won’t be the last.

    best… mae at

    1. Mae, we have so many Beatles CDs and if your family likes the music, bet they'd love the movie Yesterday.

  3. The Helene Hanff books are warm and delightful. It was lovely to see the friendship develop between people who lived far away from each other over a common love for books.

    I'm pretty sure I'd like the bookshop book you are reading but I'm waiting to see what you think before I buy it.

    I think I found the Unforgotten series on Amazon Prime. We haven't gotten a chance to see it yet.

    1. Deb, We loved Unforgotten. The book In Shetland isn't only about his books and music, I think it's still $2.99 through Amazon on Kindle.

  4. I don't know Unforgotten! But it does sound good and I will take a closer look.

    I loved 84 Charing Cross Road, it was a lovely read.

    Have a wonderful week ahead!

    Elza Reads

    1. Thank you Elza. Unforgotten is a good crime drama.
      I was very sorry to hear about the tragedy at your school. Wrote you at your site.

  5. I just got Harper's Survivors from the library, Exiles is on my list. She's a must read author for me. We watched Yesterday years ago and I remember finding it really entertaining. Enjoy
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, I couldn't finish Survivors and I love Harper's books but, that wasn't one I liked. I hoope you enjoy it. Exiles was pretty good and read it in record time!

  6. Glad you've been able to enjoy so much in the last few days.

  7. I still need to read a couple of Jane Harper books!

    I really enjoyed the movie Yesterday! I've watched it a couple of times now

    1. Marg, we revsit that movie now and then. Harper's books are so good.

  8. You've made me want to reread (and rewatch) 84, Charing Cross Road! I've read a few others by Hanff, but didn't care for them quite as much. Jane Harper is on my library list. I now have two of her books I want to borrow. Oh, boy. Unforgotten sure had an emotional finale, didn't it? We started watching Vera and will probably be watching that until 2024! There are so many season. Yep, we watched Yesterday. We love anything Beatles.

    P.S. So happy to see your posts. :)

    1. Thank you, Les. I apprecaite that. I am not getting into the Haniff book about the Dutchess but I will try another one.

  9. I picked up Exiles the other week at a book sale but haven’t the time to read it. As a Beatles fan I loved Yesterday, such a fun concept.

    Wishing you a great week of reading.

    1. Shelleyrae, Hope you like Exiles. I enjoyed it. Love Aaron Falk.

  10. Adding In Shetland to my TBR and now I want to reread 84 Charing Cross. I still haven't read anything by Jane Harper though I have The Dry on my TBR. We loved Unforgotten but I think we stopped watching at season 3. Will resist the urge to look up season 4! I saw your comment about not getting into Duchess by Hanff. I wasn't really a fan of that one but I did really enjoy Q's Legacy. It's kind of about her life after 84 Charing Cross became popular so it's got a bit of a different subject but it felt more genuine than Duchess if that makes sense. I felt like Duchess was a contractual obligation book.

    1. Katherine, I think you'll like the Dry. You are immersed in the heat and locale. DON'T look up season 4!!!

  11. I always enjoy a bit of Aussie noir/regional crime novels...

  12. Yesterday has been on my TBW list ever since before it came out so not sure why I haven't seen it yet. Didn't know that someone named Sanjeev Bhaskar is in it and that he is an addictive actor to watch! I do not see Yesterday on a streaming channel near me at this time.

    I also need to get on 84 Charing Cross Road. Book has been on my TBR forever. Didn't know it was a movie. I'm usually a movie first, book second person and I see the movie is on Tubi so maybe I can watch that tonight!

    1. Jinjer, Sanjeev isn't a major character in Yesterday but I love his role, He's a main character in Unforgotten and The Indian Doctor.

  13. We liked Yesterday, too. Quirky but fun. I'm so glad that you liked 84, Charing Cross Road.

    1. Joy, I liked the book and movie for Charing Cross Road. The movie was more poignant near the end than the book.


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It's been a good run...........