Friday, August 18, 2023

Book Chat

My library book holds all came in at once. I forgot to watch my holds list and suspend a couple of titles so this wouldn't happen.  Oh well, I need to prioritize now according to how long the wait list is for each book, in case I need to turn some in before reading.  That will teach me to pay attention!

Recently finished // I've been reading a mixture of different genres depending on my mood.  For a light hearted romp in a bookshop in London I enjoyed With Love From London by Sarah Jio. The appeal is the London setting as well as the bookshop. That would be fun, to own a used bookshop. The plot is somewhat predictable but there were heart warming moments. #BriFri

For nonfiction I recently finished - Daily Rituals by Mason Currey.

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey is a cool compendium of the rituals and inspiration of famous writers, scientists, musicians and more.  This is the sort of book you pick up and read a little at a time, turning to the ones you want to know more about. 

There are many names I am unfamiliar with but the standouts for me were Anthony Trollope, Picasso, Matisse, Jane Austen, Joseph Heller, Darwin...too many to name.

Willa Cather enjoyed writing but didn't make herself do it.  "The only reason I write is because it interests me more than any other activity I've ever found.  I like horseback riding, opera, travel.....If I made myself write it would be a chore."  She devoted early morning hours for writing when inspired.

Ayn Rand found herself pressured and rarely left her desk.  When she wasn't writing she still refused to leave her desk and would stare out the window or play solitaire. She was so anxious about the job at hand that she took Benzedrine, a fairly new drug then, to boost energy levels.

Franz Listz rose at four every morning, even when he had been invited out the previous evening, had drunk a good deal of wine and went to bed late. He had a loose routine and planned around his breakfast, lunch and naps. A man after my own heart...except that 4 a.m. wakeup...ugh.

Happy Reading to all!

Linking with:
Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon
Joy for British Isles Friday
Shelleyrae at Book'd Out for the nonfiction reader challenge.

Hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out. Sign up may be found HERE. Category: Arts


  1. I love the cover art for Fresh Water for Flowers. Off to look it up to see if I might want to read it, too!

    1. Les, it has some incredibly sad moments, very detailed and well written. It moves slowly.

  2. Daily Rituals sounds interesting, 4am is closer to bedtime for me though.

    1. Shelleyrae, oh...I am usually, hopefully, sound asleep then!

  3. Vicki, I've been mixing it up with the genres lately as I used to read 80% mysteries. I am enjoying the diversity with categories and styles.

  4. I'd love to own a used bookshop. The Jio book sounds fun.

    1. Greg, that would be fun and I would love helping people find a new book.

  5. A bookshop in London is a pretty irresistible setting! The daily rituals book sounds fascinating.

    1. Joy, the Daily Rituals was an very interesting read.

  6. The art rituals sounds intriguing since I have a pretty strong interest in an art practice. I'll have to go check it out. Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  7. I found Daily Rituals: How Artists Work to be fascinating, and I enjoyed it so much that I ended up reading it a second time. Later I discovered a sister book, Daily Rituals: Women at Work. I keep meaning to read this one. I am sure that I will love it, too.

    I have a huge stack of library books that arrived recently here. I do hope I get a chance to read them before we leave on our trip in September.

    1. Deb, I didn't know there was another called Women at Work, will check it out. You must be so excited about your trip!

  8. I can understand the 4 a.m. wake up time. It's when I often wake and sometimes force myself to go back to sleep after reading a bit.

    1. Harvee, I'm falling asleep by 11:00 and don't get up until 7:00

  9. It always seem like my library books arrive in a big blog, too. Why can't they arrive one at a time.

    1. Anne, our library has a feature where you can suspend the pickup time and still keep your place in "line" but....I forgot to do that! I'm getting ready to start Tom Lake again, tried it yesterday and my attentin wandered :-)

  10. I had Fresh Water for Flowers on my list of August reading possibilities, but started The Covenant of Water over the weekend so doubt I'll get to it this month. So many books...

    Haven't read Sarah Jio in several years and Daily Rituals looks good, too. I didn't get a chance to post over the weekend - we had a full house with all the girls plus fiances visiting. Hope you have a good week, Tina.

    1. JoAnn, your weekend sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait until we can visit our son again, it;s been too long. I finished the Fresh Water book and I will definitely read more by her. The Covenent is on my list too but, it will be a while.

  11. The Daily Ritual sounds really interesting! I haven't read nonfiction in awhile and that sounds like an interesting one. I loved With Love From London and Fresh Water For Flowers looks good. I don't tend to put a bunch of books on hold but I do put audios on hold and it's very much a feast or famine situation!

    1. Katherine, I need to make better use of the suspend feature but I always forget! I have just finished Fresh Water for Flowers, it was long.

  12. Yeah I want the London used bookstore too. I'll keep that novel in mind.

  13. Daily Rituals is on my list! Those types of books fascinate me. Thanks for sharing a few highlights so we get an idea of what's inside!


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It's been a good run...........