Thursday, March 28, 2013

Food 'n Flix Roundup for March

It's time for the roundup of dishes from movie watchers who participated in this month's Food 'n Flix event! The intro for this was posted HERE if you'd like to check it out.

Caroline at Caroline Makes prepared a Lamb in Cherryade Glaze. Go check out her post HERE...she is creative and has some good stories :-)

Elizabeth at A Law Student's Cookbook prepared a Bacon Cheeseburger. Check out her post HERE. Even thought this wasn't her favorite movie, I was happy to see this fat juicy burger and I am inspired to go get one now. Really.

Heather at Girlichef (the founder of Food 'n Flix) was inspired to make General Tso's Chicken. This would be a dish Ben and Andie could find walking the streets of New York as a happy couple. As Heather said, "Something they can even take away in carry-out boxes on the back of Ben's bike". Perfect. Check out her post HERE

From Food Flix

Debra at Eliotseats thought it would be great if Andie served carrot hummus on poker night. That would actually be funny to watch the guys' faces as this hummus was set before them! Check out her post HERE

Deb at Kahakai Kitchen made Vanilla Cupcakes filled with Passion Fruit Jam and frosted with Vanilla Buttercream - Wow!
Check out her post HERE

I made a seafood dinner - one dish was sauteed shrimp in garlic and butter. I posted about that on Tuesday, check it out HERE.

Join in for April’s movie showing, Practical Magic, host by Glennis at At Can’t Believe We Ate.


Thanks to all who participated!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Seafood feast for March's Food 'n Flix Event

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Earlier this month I announced I was hosting the movie How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, a Food ‘n Flix featured movie for March. My announcement post on that event may be found HERE.

Well you know the saying, Best Laid Plans… etc., etc. My contribution to the party was going to be steamed crab…a nice seafood dinner which was shared by Ben and Andie on their first “date.”

Those plans went south on me but I was still determined to make it a seafood event.

I present grilled swordfish, shrimp simmered in butter, white wine and garlic, couscous and corn on the cob.

This low calorie meal afforded the opportunity for an extra glass of wine and dessert so – win-win. The man I didn’t chase away in 10 days (or even in 28 years) grilled this magnificently cross hatched, juicy, smoky swordfish.

It’s fun when we cook together. Doug manned the grill (naturally) and I tossed the other parts of the meal together. This was all delivered to our mosquito-infested patio in under 15 minutes. This is a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc joining us for the case you were curious.

Would Doug have put up with all agony Andie aimed at Ben in this movie? I seriously don’t think so. But it may have been close.

Our early “courtship” included me throwing his rug out of the car (into dirt) on every occasion I had, him daring me to toss a cup of tepid tea at him (he didn’t think I would, but I did) and a variety of other aggravating instances. Must have been love ♥ ♥ ♥

The roundup for this event will be later in the week - stay tuned!


Sunday, March 24, 2013


These are easy! They are similar to little Yorkshire puddings but not as good because we didn't have the beef broth.

Popovers = a quick bread solution. I had been wanting to try these for quite some time and as I hadn’t the time to make a loaf of bread, this was a good solution. I don’t have a popover pan but truth is….you can adapt by using a large size muffin pan. Easy and hardly any hands on time so you are free to work on dinner or read a chapter in your book, play with your kids or pets…..

Five simple ingredients which you probably have in your kitchen now.

2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon melted butter

I used my stand mixer and so followed directions from my KitchenAid cookbook. Place all ingredients into mixer bowl. Mix all ingredients for 15 seconds on speed 4 using the wire whisk attachment. Scrape bowl after the 15 seconds. Now mix again, speed 4, for another 15 seconds.

Fill 6 or 8 heavily greased and flour popover molds, or ramekins or a large muffin pan half full of batter. I used my large muffin pan. Place pan in cold oven and set for 450 F. Bake for 15 minutes. Then reduce heat to 350 F and bake another 20 to 25 minutes. Serve immediately.

These would be great with jam or butter once they are fresh out of the oven. I will certainly make them again.

This little one was from batter left over, poured into a tiny was as good as the others.

So next up I have a few things in the works. I have the roundup for Food 'n Flix feature to post, an exciting experience at Talon Training Group where Doug and I had a great time and more recipes from my Mediterranean cookbook.

Hope you are well!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Florida Gun Show and Dog Et Al

Two weeks ago we went to the Florida Gun Show at the fairgrounds in Tallahassee. What a blast (no pun intended)! We spent 2 hours roaming around looking at all the vendor tables.

Tables and tables of handguns, rifles, name it..

Here's one I liked. Fits my small hand well and I am thinking a wheel gun is the way to go. No matter how much I try, the semi automatic is tough for me to slide back.

This small semi automatic fit my hand well also...but still, can't slide it back without serious effort. I thought I could do it like Sydney Bristow on Alias....yeaaahhh...that didn't work for me.

Here is the one Doug liked - so he bought it....nice!

There were a few people wandering around selling their personal firearms...just holding a sign with the details and price. Just like this guy below.

Afterwards we went to Dog Et Al and had a super dog. Check out the menu, they have all sorts of dogs and they are delicious. Probably not good for you but...tasty.

Hopefully the weather will clear up here and I can share an outing to the shore or national forest. We rode about 60 miles last Sunday, just through the countryside, no particular destination. The sky looked iffy with dark clouds rolling in so we headed home.

Next up I will have an easy recipe for popovers. A snap to prepare and bake.

Hope you all are well!

Monday, March 11, 2013

North African Couscous

So, where have I been hibernating? Right here....reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and please, please, please don't give me any spoilers if you have read it! I have been studiously avoiding any reviews, discussions and posts with the title Gone Girl because it just has so many twists.

If you are a voracious reader then you know you've come across the occasional book where you don't have it figured out. One you don't have the whodunnit pegged. This is that book. It's also a total mindf@#k and divided into three parts which deftly shifts you to differing perspectives. So...I have been absorbed with reading, tired from work and have also watched a few very good movies.

That's where I've been. How have you been? I owe just about everyone an email or visit :-) Let me move on to food and weather now.

We have crazy weather patterns here. One day it's cold and frost is on the field. Then you get a lovely warm 70 degree day which slips into the 30s by evening...Yes, I am in Florida...but it does still get cold.

To clarify, it was cold in north Florida when I made this dish. When it’s bitterly cold I like to make stews or a cassoulet. Something to warm the tummy and give you fuel to get out and walk the dog. A bowl meal. Even as I dream of summer dishes and know it wouldn’t be comforting to tuck into grilled shrimp and mojitos…I am still wanting the shrimp. Still wanting a bowl meal that isn’t pasta and Bolognese.

I present the compromise called North African Couscous

This is another super easy, super quick recipes for nights when you are tired or just need to get dinner on the table in under a ½ hour. This takes less than a half hour to cook, but you do have the prep so…plan for about a half hour total. If you can get someone to peel the shrimp, great…saves you time. I cannot peel raw shrimp at all, cannot handle it raw or a rash will start up on my neck and hands. It’s something about the uncooked juices (I am guessing) that causes an allergic reaction. Once cooked, I can eat shrimp like it’s my job.

Coming up I hope to have my book reviews done which I will post over at Novel Meals. Storm of Swords, Clash of Kings, Gone Girl and Paris in Love. I have been busy reading but not at the computer...such is life.

Also, I am crocheting a very crooked something. Maybe it will be a blanket. I only grab the crochet needle when I have had wine or something's interesting.

Ok, here is the recipe below which I rambled about above.

North African Couscous

2 T. vegetable oil
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
4 scallions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 t. ground coriander
1/2 t. turmeric
pinch of cayenne
2 cups hot vegetable stock or hot water
3/4 lb. shelled shrimp
1 cup fresh or frozen peas
1 cup couscous
1 T. butter
salt and pepper to taste
chopped fresh parsley
lemon wedges


Heat oil in a 2 qt. saucepan. Add the peppers, scallions, garlic, coriander, turmeric and cayenne. Sauté over medium heat for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Stir in the stock. Add the shrimp and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes, until the shrimp is pink. Stir in the peas and cook for another minute.

Mix in the couscous and butter. Cover, remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes.

Uncover the pan, and using a fork, fluff up the couscous, breaking up any lumps. Add salt and pepper to tasted. Serve with parsley and lemon wedges.

Bon appetit!!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Saint Esprit Cotes du Rhone served for the mini weekend wine review

This Cotes-du-Rhone has a dark, ruby coloring. Faint smack of olive and maybe herb…great full bodied wine. Goes very well with roasted chicken and even lasagna. Recommended at a reasonable price of $12.

Available at World Market and Market Square liquor stores.

Love this wine, but there haven't been many that I scrunch my nose at...lately!

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Announcing March's Food 'n Flix Event: How to Lose a Guy in 10 days

Do you like betting? Gambling on an outcome or event? I do. I haven’t wagered in quite some time but in the past I would bet money on hockey or baseball or whatever. Well this month’s movie, showing at Food ‘n Flix, is about betting on a relationship.

What does the winner get? They change the direction of their career, steering it toward fullfilment (at least to them it’s a fulfilling change). But only one person can win, and neither party knows the other is involved in a wager. It’s all out war – All’s Fair in Love and War is the theme.

How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days stars Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. It’s a fun chick flick sorta movie. Nothing deep but very amusing.

Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) is a frustrated magazine writer. At Composure magazine she writes the "How to..." articles………how to get out of a ticket, how to score free tickets to an event, etc. But this isn’t the type writing Andie wants – she wants to write about politics, economics, religion, poverty and put that Columbia education to work.

In the meantime, Andie's friend Michelle has yet another breakup with her latest boyfriend and unwittingly becomes the inspiration for Andie’s next How To article. Write about Michelle’s classic mistakes in a relationship and how it drives a man off.

She volunteers to write the article with a faint promise by her editor that she may then write about anything she wants. Sounds like a good deal – so now Andie is off on a pursuit to find a guy with the sole intent of driving him away within 10 days.

Now, let’s introduce Benjamin Barry (played by Matthew McConaughey) who has a bet of his own to win. He works at an advertising firm and wants to score a big account in the diamond market. The ladies who usually handle the luxury type accounts trick Ben Barry to make a bet. He can have the account if he can make a woman fall in love with him in 10 days. They even pick out the woman for him – none other than Andie Anderson who is trolling around the restaurant for the guy she wants to woo and drive crazy.

That’s the plot. Ben needs Andie to fall for him and Andie needs Ben to run away before 10 days go by. Which one will last? Ben walks up to her and she sizes him up.
Neither Andie nor Ben reveal their true intentions. One of them is lying…so is the other!

Andie: Unattached?
Ben: Currently.
Andie: Likewise.
Ben: Surprising.
Andie: Psycho?
Ben: Rarely, Interested?
Andie: Perhaps.
Ben: Hungry?
Andie: Starving.
Ben: Leaving?
Andie: Now?

Definitely watch the movie to see how they drive one another crazy.

Believe it or not, but there is quite a bit of food in this movie. Right after they leave the restaurant, knowing each other for a scant 5 minutes, they share a lobster dinner and talk, flirt and get along very well.

Andie: True or False: All's fair in love and war.
Ben: True.
Andie: Great answer.
Ben: Good question!

So…food………they have a seafood dinner. Lobster and maybe some crab in there too. Funny thing is, Andie claims to be vegetarian shortly after that when Ben serves her lamb with cherry sauce. THAT looks delicious!

Here she is pretending ot be upset by the lamb..."Mary had a little lamb, little lamb...."

There is a scene at a vegetarian restaurant and lots of veggie choices. While there, she ducks into the kitchen and consumes a burrito while watching a few minutes of the Knicks game. Also veggie related is the scene at Ben's poker party where a tray of veggie snacks are served.

As for fast food items – there was pizza at the poker game and Chinese food delivered to Michelle’s apartment. Lots of food if you look for it....and of course, you may be inspired to make something not seen in the movie.


Want to join in? Here's how to participate:

Watch the chosen film (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). Taking inspiration from the film, head into the kitchen and cook or bake or make something.

Post about it on your blog with a link back to THIS post and a link to Food 'n Flix. Use of the Food 'N Flix logo is optional.
Your post must be current (during month of film). And of course we don't mind if your post is linked to other events.

Email your entries to me at: and include:

Your name
Your blog's name and URL
The name of your dish and the permalink to the specific post you're submitting
Attach a photo of any size (or tell me which one to "pull" from your post)
Indicate "Food 'n Flix Submission" in the subject line please!

Deadline for submission is Wednesday March 27. I will post a roundup before the end of March :-)

Have fun!

It's been a good run...........