Friday, March 24, 2023

Acorn TV crime dramas #BriFri

Thank you to all who have suggested crime/police television shows as I didn't realize there were so many.  We finished London Kills and will move on to other series now.

If you enjoy shows like these may I suggest 19-2.  This is an English version of the French Canadian series of the same name.  Two police officers with troubled pasts are partnered together unwillingly.  The acting is superb and we loved watching the character development of the others in the squad.  Only four seasons but they wrapped it up very well.  Wish I could find more of this caliber.  

Here are some others in our lineup for the year. 👇

Prime Suspect gets has a rating of 8.3 on IMDB so that's a good recommendation.  Helen Mirren is the star and apparently you can follow her promotions in each season of the police drama and crime solving. There are seven seasons so I hope we like this one.

Taken Down is set in Dublin Ireland involving refuges, slum lords and criminals.  There is one season out so far. 

No Offence is set in Manchester England and has three seasons. We saw a preview for this show when we were watching London Kills.  It has some humor in it and looks great.  Our library has all three seasons available.

Happy Valley has three seasons but our library only has one season so far. This was one recommended by a friend of Doug's.  This is set in Yorkshire and is average with Acorn productions for mysteries, only six episodes per season.

Linking up with Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday.


  1. I'm sending a link to your post to my husband. He loves crime dramas.

    1. Deb, great, he may enjoy No Offence. We are binging it now!

  2. Vicki, this is one of the things I would enjoy about cable or internet, having access to shows like this instead of asking the library. I am looking forward to Prime Suspect.

  3. I love British crime shows! Thanks for the link to the Tana French interview. I do see her point but the part of me that likes things tied up in nice little bow still disagrees!

    1. Katherine, yeah it made sense the way Tana left us hanging after all. But I would love to know what Rob experienced as a child.

  4. I tried a trial on Acorn once and really loved it. I just didn't want to add any more to my bill. I love detective shows. I'm going to look into it again. thanks

    1. Judee, we are big fans of the police dramas and action shows. Wish we could get Acorn or Brit Box!

  5. I love brit crime. :) Did you ever see Marcella? Love that show, although the first season was the best I thought.

    I liked Happy Valley. It's been a few years. I wonder if I ever saw S3. I think maybe I didn't, but maybe Amazon only had two? I should look...

    1. Greg, I juts looked up Marcella and it looks good. Alas, our library doesn't have it but I may be able to get them to order it. Happy Valley has three seasons.

  6. I remember watching Prime Suspect on PBS, but I'm sure that I didn't watch faithfully enough to get all seven seasons!

    1. Joy, we haven't watched this one but we like Helen Mirren. Have not gotten to it yet as No Offense has us hooked!


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It's been a good run...........