Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kirkland Malbec Mendoza - Weekend Wine Review

We love a Malbec. If a French Cahors is available we are fully on board with pairing it up with a great meal. But this Argentinian Malbec has recently caught our fancy. This one was picked up at Costco and is the Kirkland brand. After the deservedly terrible review I gave Kirkland brand Chardonnay I am pleased to say that label has won us over with their Malbec.

It’s very inky, very fruit forward with cherries, chocolate and oak. Plus, it’s totally affordable at $7.99. A winner with a chicken dinner any time in our house. Buy, buy, buy!

I am sharing this with Beth Fish's Weekend Cooking Series.

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page. For more information, see the welcome post.


  1. Oh thanks for this! We don't have a Costco, but my parents do. I'll tell them to pick us up a couple of bottles. We usually like a Malbec and I haven't had the Kirkland.

  2. Beth, just avoid the Chardonnay with this brand. Or maybe it was that particular year for Chard with Kirkland but it was the first bottle we tossed without finishing in a long time! This one was good though :-)

  3. Sadly, there's no Costco in my area, because this sounds like a great deal. We spent a summer in Argentina, and drank quite a bit of Malbec, as you might imagine, so finding a reasonably priced and good one is a real pleasure for us. Enjoy!

  4. No Costco here either, but we're always open to a good wine recommendation! Will look for the Kirkland Malbec.

  5. no costco...we do have a Sam's Club but I must say I have never thought to shop for wine there.

  6. I think my better half would like the malbec - I'll look out for it.

  7. I don't think I've tried a Malbec but it sounds like something we'd like. Thanks!

  8. My husband likes a good Malbec, thanks for the tip.

  9. I drink Malbec all winter long! I don't have a Costco membership, but I have friends who do - I'll have to ask them to pick some up for me. Can't wait to try this. Thanks for sharing!

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  11. I am all about wine under $10. Wish I had a foodie post this weekend to link up but I did a garden post. :(

  12. Ok, so when you all come to Florida and see me, we will make a field trip to Costco and stock up on wine, Deal?

    Off to visit you all :-)

  13. I have a husband and a mother who drank rather a lot of Cahors red last night!!

    Fête du Carlucet meal last night ... delicious!

    Mrs L x

  14. The Fete?! Doug and i want to be there for one. Don't let us get too drunk!!

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