Tuesday, January 10, 2023

In my kitchen.....past and current food addictions

It's been a while since I checked in with Sherry for her In My Kitchen event.  Basically I don't have anything truly new in the kitchen, just some favorites which have been making repeat appearances.

Everything Bagel Hummus - The addiction to this is real.  I am a big fan of hummus and enjoy the plain hummus as well as other flavor combos but this one..... perfect.

A few wines I have enjoyed this past year are Louis Latour and Lola Pinot Noirs. Joel Gott Pinot is not pictured but I shamelessly put away a bit of that one in 2022.  I also like a good Pouilly Fuisse and a Chardonnay now and then. 

 But all good things must come to an end and I'll seriously be cutting back on the vino enjoyment. 

Whole Foods has one of the best olive bars I've found in the area I shop.  They have many sorts of olives, roasted peppers and roasted garlic.   We don't get over there often but when we do I select a good variety of olives. 

A few good meals we've enjoyed are Hotpot (below), Pineapple Chicken and Green Angel Hair Garlic Butter.

That's my round up for January. Wishing you good food, books and health!

Linking with

Sherry's Pickings for In My Kitchen

Marg at The Intrepid Reader for Weekend Cooking


  1. I'll try the Everything Bagel Hummus, and I love green olives.

    1. Vicki, I apologize in advance for getting you hooked on that flavor hummus!

  2. That hummus sounds delicious! I'll see if my grocery store carries it.

    I'm following "Dry January" and find that I don't miss my 1-2 glasses of wine AT ALL. I fix a cup of herbal tea and sip on that when I would normall have a drink and it's been very easy to make the switch. I won't stop drinking for special occasions and when we go out to dinner, but the nightly glass(es) probably aren't helping my waistline...

    1. Les, we did the herbal tea during a dry January a few years ago. I'm cutting back to eventually quit as I've had some health issues. If I could get to one glass here and there it would probably be fine but...a step at a time!

  3. I do really like Boar's Head dips and spreads. I'll bet we would love that Everything bagel hummus. We are great fans of olives and I like your selection. I enjoyed seeing your January IMK!

    1. Judee, I'm glad you enjoyed the offering here! I bet the Publix near you in Miami has the Boar's Head brand.

  4. I love olives but sadly we don't have anywhere here that does a huge variety. I will have to see if I can recreate the Everything Bagel Hummus :)

    1. Tandy, I have seen your homemade hummus and I bet you could recreate this one.

  5. hi tina. thanks so much for joining in. I love hummus too. one of my faves is a mediaeval hummus with lots of herbs and spices. Green and delicious! Cheers and happy new year.

    1. Sherry, a pleasure to visit you and happy new year to you as well.

  6. Love hummus too, can't beat it. Cheers to the wine collection and hope you have a great year :)

  7. The hummus looks delicious but you can have my share of the olives! I've been a big fan of bagels with strawberry cream cheese lately. I think I could pretty much live on just them. Publix has a section that's specialty sodas and I've been trying different varieties every time I go to the grocery store. They recently started stocking Cheerwine so I've been on a bit of a cherry soda binge!

    1. Katherine, I will always take your share of the olives :-) I have never tried Cheerwine.

  8. I'm taking note of some of your wines. And I don't know how I've missed the Boar's Head spreads all my life .. will make a note to investigate them when I go shopping next week.

    1. BFR - if you don't have the Boars Head label I think Sabra also makes the Everything Bagel Hummus

  9. When we visit one of our favorite restaurants in Sarasota (DuVal's), we always get a bottle of Louis Latour Chardonnay to go with our fish. I have seen the Everything Bagel Humuus but have yet to try it, now I will put it on my grocery list.

    1. Diane, I love Louis Latour! I thhink you'll enjoy that hummus.

  10. Good for you cutting back on the vino after the holidays. We are down to one big glass most nights and are going to try a dry February...we were on holiday in January and it has not been a good time to cut it completely out. Life is simply too short but I am sad to note your health issues.

    1. Liz, dry February sounds good! I have been measuring my wine allotments to slowly cut back. Not dying but I do have a fatty liver and the liver isn;t loviing the wine so I will probably phase it out. Thank you for your good wishes!

  11. Mmmmm I love a good olive bar, so many choices! Green olives are definitely my favourite. I love a good dip too, there's nothing like a creamy garlicky wholesome hummus

    1. DoS, my son told me I eat olives like my life depended on it!


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It's been a good run...........