Thursday, April 13, 2023

Meandering around the garden center

We went to Espositos garden center yesterday to pay our lawn care bill and look at plants.  Now that the house is painted we need some plants or shrubs in the front.  It's been years since we've browsed inside and since then they've expanded.

Now they carry furniture, clothing, grills and more.  When we rounded a corner I saw what I thought was a stuffed animal on the sofa.  Just as I was about to tell Doug Loki will have a fit, it moved.  Yup, it's a live cat! Apparently there are three cats roaming about the store.  This particular one doesn't like dogs.  

The section of the store with kitchen ware and furnishings had three stuffed dogs set up near a table.  After seeing the cat, Loki wasn't too sure if these were real.  He had quite a day wandering about a store new to him.  Quite a change of life for an abused dog from Bainbridge Georgia!  

Today it's expected to rain so no gutter installation until tomorrow.  Doug is changing out the doorknob and bolt for a pewter colored set.  Then it will be done and we can focus on the next project. 

We are under tornado watch until this afternoon so we won't get as much walking in as we'd hoped.

I finished Lisa Jewell's latest book but haven't posted yet.  I'm determined to look over the children's instructional crochet books before starting another novel. I have an embarrassing amount of yarn stashed in a closet and would love to use it.  What I need is my Nana as she taught me basic stitches about 40 years ago. I will not let this best me!

That's it for today.  I hope you are having a good Thursday :-)


  1. Oh, wow. I could spend a fortune at Esposito Garden Center! Have fun with playing with your yarn. My mom knits all the time, but I never learned how to do that or crochet.

    1. Les, we could spend quite a bit there as well! Baby steps on improving the house. My Nana taught me stitches about 40 years ago but I never kept up with it much. I checked a few children's books out of the library and it's helping.

  2. I love that they have cats in the store. I wish more stores would have animals. I love how Loki is straining his neck around to look at the cat :) I wonder if he thought the stuffed animals were real and just sleeping, or knew they weren't real because of how they smelled.

    I hope the tornado decides to miss you.

    My mom loved to crochet, sew, do crafts, grow flowers/plant and was amazing at all of them. Me, not so much. I made a skirt in home ec when I was in
    Jr. High and she had to redo it. I did make a few pot holders at home that turned out really good. That was only because she sat with me and guided me.

    1. Vicki, we thought the cat was a stuffed animal until it whipped it's head around to see Loki! He is always interested in cats but wary. I guess he has felt the wrath of the sharp toenails before. He was unsure about the stuffed dogs and had to sniff them.
      I was hopeless in Home Ec, my mom was like yours and could garden and craft.

  3. That reminds me so much of when my parents used to take me to the garden center, nursery, pool supplies stores...So much fun for a kid and probably equally fun for a Loki!

    Talk of gutters reminds me how grateful I am to have gotten out from under that Arkansas house before I had to deal with the gutters. I mean, I did deal with them...I called that one company three times, the guy finally came out and inspected them and gave an estimate, said it would be a couple months before I could get on the schedule, and then I never heard from him again!!

    Can't wait to see how everything turns out with your plants and gutters!

    1. Jinjer, we spent so much time just wandering arounbd. It's always peaceful in the graden centers.
      That must have been so frustrating dealing with tradesmen who never call back. Small towns don't have as many options. It was hard choosing from gutter places here there are so many!

  4. I also knit and crocheted years ago and when I decided to pick it up again, you tube is my friend. There are lots of good instructional videos that show specific stitches or even lead you all the way through a project. I found that I 'get it' quicker watching a video that I can pause and compare the screen to what's on my hook than I do seeing it in a book. Whichever way works for you, good luck and happy crocheting!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, I did try Bella Coco but the children's books are helping quite a bit too. I have an embarrasing amount of yarn :-)

  5. Loki looks shocked about the cat! I would have been startled too. It's amazing how well he's doing out and about. He's so much more confident now! My grandmother tried to teach me cross stich years ago and I never took to it. I wish I could go back in time a bit. I'd love to learn how to crochet. I've seen some cute little kits and I'm SO tempted!

    1. Katherine, he was just as surprised as we were when the cat moved! If you get interested in learning a craft I highly recommend checking out several children's books. They have been more helpful to me that the beginner's books aimed at adults. Wish I had my Nana to sit with me!


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It's been a good run...........