Friday, April 28, 2023

🦖 Tallahassee Nursery has a dinosaur 🦖

We browsed around the nursery last week and took Loki.  He was not fearful of the giant dinosaur 🦖.  He was very interested in the view from inside a shop.  They have a bench set up so you can watch the birds and squirrels through a glassed door.  🐿️ 

 It's a lovely place to walk around with many displays.

Watching /  I’m on the reserve list at the library for Bloodlands season 2. We watched season one of Line of Duty and it was gritty and intriguing. Alas, the library is missing season two! I requested they purchase season 2 as they have all the others up to season five. It's now on order :-)  

The setting for Bloodlands is Northern Ireland and Line of Duty is set in Birmingham England, including pub scenes in The Queen's Arms.

Taking a break from the British crime dramas we wached Mare of Easttown.  What an incredible performance by Kate Winslet. There were mentions of the hoagie shop LaSpada's where my family always went for steaks and hoagies.  You could walk there from my childhood home.  Also Sun Valley High School where I attended.

My father would have loved seeing the filming in parts of Aston where he lived and perhaps catch a glimpse of Kate Winslet.

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  1. Your nursery is way better than the one where I live, it's just filled with flowers & trees etc. Not a single dinosaur or any other animal. I've never even seen anyone with a dog there :(

    How neat that your school and Hoagie shop was mentioned!

    1. Vicki, there is another nursery in town and it sounds like the one in your town. Lots of plants and trees but no displays. If you are ever up this way you ought to walk through the Tallahassee Nursery as it's a parklike setting. Also they have plants which grow well together set up just as you'd put them in your garden. Gives you ideas!

    2. All nurseries should be like that, especially for people just starting out planting gardens etc. And alowing dogs!!!

  2. We love Mare of Easttown! I could watch it again, it was that good. We finished The Night Agent (on Netflix) and have started Sherwood (Britbox/Amazon). What did we do before all these great shows started streaming??

    1. Les, we have heard good things about The Night Agent but it's not on DVD yet. We can't stream, only pop DVDs in the player :-(

  3. Nurseries are fun to visit. When we were in Virginia recently, we visited a great nursery just out of curiosity (the plants in Virginia wouldn't be happy in Michigan even if we wanted to drive home with them in the car). A dinosaur looks like a great addition to the merchandise.
    best. mae at

    1. Mae, when we visited England and Ireland I saw many plants and gardens I would love to have. But the temperatures here aren't friendly to the poppies and more that I liked. We have been getting full sun and heat tolerant plants and expanding the small flower plot.

  4. That's a fantastic looking nursery and I'm glad Loki wasn't bothered by the dinosaur! I always love to see familiar places in tv or books. I'm glad Season 2 of Line of Duty is on order. How frustrating that would have been to not be able to watch the second season when you enjoyed the first!

    1. Katherine, I wondered if the seasons could be watched out of order but I am also glad to see them in order. I can't remember how much that dinosaur was but fairly expensive - thousands! Last thing we need to spend money on but it would be a cool centerpiece!

  5. We have Mare of Easttown on our watch list. It's so much fun to watch shows set in areas you're familiar with!

    I love your nursery... nothing quite so exciting here. I bet parents choose that place just so their kids can see the dinosaur. What a fun photo op!

    1. JoAnn, this is an incredible nursery, very fun to walk around. They have many water features as well, gift shop, an inside greenhouse area for plants that need shade with a pond and bridge, Koi in the water. I'll have to get more photos.

      Mare was great. I love Kate Winslet.

  6. What a fun place that must be for a dog to visit!!!

    1. Jinjer, it is a fun place. So many places ot roam around. They have cats there too, sleeping in cat beds or lounging about.

  7. A bit early for good nursery selection here. We've only just had our first warm weekend! But I'm eager to replenish some of my flowering plants that didn't make it over our colder than usual winter.

    1. Terrie, it gets hot here fast! I hope the selections we chose will withstand the heat. Its a learning experience.

  8. I can see where that dinosaur might be alarming!

    I'm glad your library is willing to replace a missing year of a series. Libraries can be very surprising.

    1. Deb, they had to put protective plastic over the claws, I suppose someone may hev gotten cut. Our library is amazing, I say that and I have had an illegal library card for over 30 years!

  9. That nursery looks fantastic!!!! Wow!

  10. The more I think about it, I think I read Bloodland and not watched it. I am going to figure that out this afternoon. Mare of Easttown was good. Also check out Mayor of Kingstown, filmed here in Ontario, actually Kingston, which we drove by yesterday.

    1. Jackie, I didn't know Bloodlands was a book first. We liked season one. Have not seen Mayor of Kingston but see our libray has season one. Just put a hold on it.

  11. Wow great natural light for those pics. I love all things Kate Winslet. I hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing.

    1. I love all things Kate Winslett as well! She sounds like such a nice person.

  12. I haven’t watched television in so long, I can barely remember when it last was! But, I love police shows, perhaps the last one I watched was NYPD Blue? ;) Anyway, I will keep my eyes out for Line Of Duty, which has been on my radar.

    1. Bellezza, we canceled our Direct TV account over 10 years ago when our son left for the Army. Found we were sitting outside more, reading, etc. I liked NYPD Blue. I can recommend 19-2 as a very good series if you are interested.

      Thank you for visiting.

  13. We have a foot tall Godzilla around the house, which we've sometimes convinced the cats could be a playmate.

    Getting close to planting season here!

    1. Reese, we have enjoyed getting out and trung to plan what plants work well in certain areas. I bet your cats do love a Godzilla!

  14. A lot of people are still using DVDs! We do, because we don't have all the streaming services. At my library, we keep discussing phasing them out, but I think that's still a few years off.

    1. Laurie, our library has many movies on a streaming service availble for checkout and they call it Kanopy. I'd love it if we could stream but not possible where we live. I am hoping the DVDs won't be phased out as it's our free entertainment. The library has already stopped ordering new music on CD as they are pushing for digital access.

  15. Oh wow that is cool. As a kid I would have LOVED that dinosaur. Okay, let's be honest, I still would...

    The Kate Winslet show looks fun. I need a new show...

    1. The Winslett show was good, great acting. Hell yeah, I love that dinosaur!! I think it's over $3,000 including delivery so...we'll not be buying that!

  16. I love the photos! It does look like a nice place for a wander.

  17. It looks like I have streaming access to Line of Duty. We might really that one. We were in Birmingham for a week in 2014, right around the time that this show was being released.

    1. Joy, that would have been fun to see the show as it was filming.

  18. I agree Line of Duty and Mare of Easttown were good shows! We are now watching Season 2 of The Capture on Prime. You might like it. Great to see Loki out & about! Enjoy the week.

    1. Cue Card, thanks for the tip about Capture, will certainly check it out. I keep a list and get from the library what they have on hand and request interlibrarry loan for anything else.


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