Saturday, May 06, 2023

A short weekly update about books and food

A short weekly round up...........

πŸ“š Books /  I've finished The Latecomer by Jean Hanff Korelitz which I saw on JoAnn's site Gulfside Musing.  Thank you, JoAnn, excellent book - 5 stars! Looking forward to more by this author.  The library has The Plot so I'll plan for that in May.

Another book I finished is The Landscape of Death by M.S. Morris.  This is a book authored by a couple (just like the Nicci French books) and is first in a British detective/mystery series about DCI Tom Raven.
  ( Click on the book title to take you to my Goodreads  reviews if interested.)  

Recently I’ve been back in touch with a lady I knew from Twitter.  It was enjoyable chatting with Samantha when I had a Twitter account and I was well pleased we found one another again.  She found me by a lucky and spontaneous post I made on my defunct book blog - Novel Meals I liked some of the personal book challenges she posted on her blog and am going to undertake one similar.  Just for fun.  More on that later. πŸ“š

In the kitchen/ Last week we had some of the standbys and also tried bean burritos, gnocchi with chicken, spinach and Parmesan, chicken fajita pasta and a white bean vegetable soup.

That's it from my neck of the woods.  Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

Linking with

 Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon

Joy's Book Blog for British Isles Friday


  1. I've seen The Latecomer around. Hope it's a good book. Salads are good for this coming warm up in weather and temps. Enjoy!

    1. Harvee, the book was excellent and I couldn't put it down. Definitely looking for some meals to compliment the warming temperatures.

  2. Your reading and your meals all look very satisfying! Have a good week.
    best, mae at

  3. Your food looks good! Have a great week!

  4. Happy weekend! I like the sound of the Brit detective one.

    1. Greg, the detective books are among my favorites.

  5. Your kitchen pics are making my mouth water.

  6. Chicken fajita pasta sounds really interesting!

  7. I like the sound of your meals this week. I need some fresh ideas. I seem to be stuck making the same things each week.

    I am glad you enjoyed The Latecomer. I tend to like the same kinds of books JoAnn does, too.

    1. Deb, I was in habit of trying one new recipe a week but I got out of the habit. Need to mix it up again. JoAnn does indeed have great suggestions for reading!

  8. Reviving a bookish connection is fun - they're always nice to have. I read and enjoyed The Plot a while ago - hope you like it too. Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, I look forward to more by Jean Hanff Korelitz.

  9. I like the cover for The Latecomer! Will have to check it out. Always in the market for a new book, especially murder and suspense.

    Have a great week ahead and happy reading!

    a href="">Elza Reads

    1. Elza, Latecomer was excellent but no murder in that one. The Morris book is a new detective series for me and of course we have a murder stright away.

  10. I'm so glad you loved The Latecomer, too! It will certainly be one of my favorites this year. You're probably going to get to The Plot before me. Fingers crossed that one is just as good!

    Your meals all look delicious. I want to try the gnocchi recipe! Hope you have a great week, Tina!

    1. JoAnn, I am looking forwrad to The Plot and will let you know once I get the Kindle loan. Oh, the gnocchi in the sealed packs near the pasta (in Publix) makes a great hurricane supply. You can open the package and boil and bake, depending if you can use the oven.

  11. Isn’t it fun to reconnect with β€œold” friends? That has happened to me, with returning to blogger, and now I want to know what reading events you’ll be involved in. πŸ˜‰

    Your food all looks wonderful! I did take a photo of the bean burrito recipe from your earlier post, to try later on. We had lots of beans on May 5!

    1. Bellezza, It was a lovely surprise to link up with this lady again. I loved Twitter and had been on for almost a decade but foolishly did not think about making notes on contacts I enjoyed there. Musk pretty much ruined it for me so I deleted my acccount and lost touch with friends.

      We also have had lots of beans this past week!

  12. Thanks for sharing that bean burrito recipe! Can't wait to try it. Since it's just me, I'll follow your suggestion and only do TWO at a time.

    Have a great week!

    1. Jinjer, it's better than heating them up again and again. We could eat two at a time.

  13. The chicken fajita pasta sounds delicious and I love anything with gnocchi. The Landscape of Death looks like one I'd enjoy. I've had pretty good luck with British police procedurals that have landscapes on the covers. I think Murder in the Fens was my favorite of that type.
    I hope you love the Poppy Alexander when you get your hands on it! It's a bit lighter and shinier than the mysteries you read but I thought it was such fun. Thanks for the birthday card! It arrived on my birthday and gave me a smile!

    1. Katherine, the fajita pasta is a SkinnyTaste recipe and dead easy. I need to look for Murder in the Fens. Oh, yeah, I can't wait for the Poppy Al;exander and I'm #6 in line for the latest Kate Morton!
      So glad your card arrived on the actual day :-)

  14. The gnocchi with chicken and spinach looks pretty yummy! You may think it ordinary...

    1. Thank you, Reese. I love one-pot meals.

  15. I listened to The Plot on audio a year or so ago. It started off very slow for me .... but I hung in there somehow .... and the ending was quite a doozy!

    1. I'm glad to hear the end was great. I just finsied her book The Latecomer and it was good,

  16. I'm eager to get a copy of The Latecomer now that I see that you AND JoAnn both loved it!


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It's been a good run...........