Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Dish with Sam Neill and Patrick Warburton

The Dish is an old movie I had been meaning to post about for a long time. The movie is based on a true story about the Apollo 11 landing and how an Australian antenna played a huge part in broadcasting the event.

This is something I had been meaning to recommend to my book buddy Katherine as she and her husband work in the space industry.  It's an oldie, released in 2000.


I was reading about the accuracy of the set and story line and evidently the dish control room was almost identical to the real thing from the 1960's.  The staff from that era stated they felt they stepped back in time when entering the set.  There was old NASA equipment  included as it was left behind by the American consultants and staff. The reason for that was it was too heavy to ship back.


Sam Neill and Patrick Warburton are the big names in this movie.  You'll certainly recognize Warburton's distinctive voice. Makes me want to watch it again, it's been ages.


The old dish control module is on display at the Parkes museum, should you ever take a trip that way and have an interest.

Check out the trailer below.


  1. Me, neither. Never heard of it. I think The Hubs would dig this one. Thanks, Tina!

  2. It’s a blast from the past, ladies, and 8 think I’m going to buy it for us and a friend for Christmas.

  3. I still can't believe I haven't heard of this one! I really thought we had a handle on pretty much every space movie out there. It will definitely be on our movie night watch list.

  4. i love this movie! especially as it's a good old aussie, just like me. we have been to the Parkes observatory. a fab place to visit. cheers sherry


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