Saturday, September 21, 2019

Vacation and birthday week!

It is vacation week as well as birthday week celebration at our house.   It’s going to be so hard to return to work next week and tough out my remaining 2 months, 26 days as a government drone....but who's counting......

Eat, drink and be merry. Here are the particulars.

A breakfast on the patio because the weather was cooperating. Scrambled eggs, cheese grits, fried tomato and bacon.


Grilled Scamp, baked sweet potatoes and green beans. The scamp was a treat. We’d never had it before and we heard from a fisherman friend that it’s the absolute best. So good that he said it’s the one fish he never shares.
 It was indeed all it was rumored to be and we want more.


For the actual birthday meal Doug grilled a New York Strip steak and asparagus. We also had our sweet potato fix.


Plus a nice Bordeaux Supérieur and a gooey soft triple cream cheese, Le Délice Bourgogne.



Besides enjoying be off together and doing things without a schedule, Doug was able to get some solar observation in, we had a new shower stall put in to replace a tub, did some reading, listened to a new ( to us) John Mayall and Eric Clapton Cd and watched a National Geographic DVD about Apollo missions to the moon. That was very good.


! Doug said to post the warning to always use caution and the proper filters and gear when looking at the sun.  No one wants instant blindness !

Fun week and it’s not completely over. Yea!



  1. Happy birthday! That is the perfect way to celebrate. I'm surprised you didn't include the hours to retirement countdown. You are going to love it.

    Scamp, never heard of it. Googled it and couldn't find it either.

  2. Ha! Who's counting??!! Not long now.

    I agree with Jackie: sounds like the perfect celebration.

  3. Have a great year and many happy returns of your birthdays.

    best... mae at

  4. Birthday wishes and hope the 2 months and 26 days go quickly!

  5. Happy Birthday to you! Cheers

  6. What a great week, and some yummmmmmy food! I'd especially like a bite of those cheese grits. I'm the only one in our house who likes them.

    I've never been an after-dinner cheese eater. Do you just have it with crackers? Fruit? Enlighten me.

    Tell Doug his telescope is impressive and I always appreciate a warning about stuff I know nothing about. Like sun gazing.

  7. Happy Late Birthday Tina! I hope you have a great year.


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It's been a good run...........