Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Creamy chicken gnocchi soup

 Just because I am in Florida doesn't mean the temperatures are always warm . A hearty soup is always welcome, no matter the weather, but this particular soup is a definite keeper. Creamy chicken gnocchi soup can be whipped up with a few pantry staples such as canned broth, gnocchi and spices and a package of chicken.

A loaf of homemade baguette was a great addition to this meal....just sayin'.

This week's theme at I Heart Cooking Club is I am thankful regard to ingredients for cooking I am thankful to have a few pantry items on hand when I want a quick meal. Not everyone has that luxury of a stocked pantry and I realize how fortunate we are there.


Without more rambling - here is the recipe.

Creamy Chicken Gnocchi Soup
from Half Baked Harvest Super Simple cookbook

2 boneless chicken breasts
1 small onion, diced 
6 carrots, chopped (I used 3 carrots)
4 cups chicken broth
1 cup white wine, such as Pinot Grigio or sauvignon Blanc
2 bay leaves
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp thyme
a bit of freshly grated Parmesan
salt and pepper
1 (16 oz.) mini gnocchi
3/4 cup milk or heavy cream (I used half-n-half)
2 TB olive oil
2 pounds mushrooms, sliced (I used fewer)

Heat the oil and add mushrooms with salt and pepper. Cook until golden, about 5 minutes. Stir and add in garlic, thyme and onion. The recipe then calls for you to remove garlic and mash with a fork but I just left it in the pot. 

Add chicken, carrots, broth, wine, paprika and a bit of red pepper flake.  Once it boils rduce heat and simmer on low about 20 minutes. Recipe calls for you to remove the chicken breasts and shred them, then return to the pot. I chunked the chicken up in the beginning so no shredding for me.

Toss the chicken back in and add milk, gnocchi and Parmesan.  Serve with fresh bread.

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  1. Your changes to the recipe sound really useful and common-senseical. Why not cut up the chicken first! Nice looking dish.

    best...mae at

  2. Vicki, so true. Soup works for us year round.

  3. Why wouldn't you know, I have all the ingredients for this soup in the house. I'll need a week off poultry and then I'll see about giving this a try.

    1. BFR, we didn't do the turkey for Thanksgiving, grilled steaks. But when you are ready for poultry give this one a try. It's hearty.

  4. This looks yummy though you know I'll leave the mushrooms out! I love gnocchi and this sounds like a good addition to the usual chicken soup. I need to give this a try.

    PS - the movie arrives! Thanks so much! I can't wait to watch it.

    1. Katherine, glad the movie made it and hope you enjoy it. I love true stories. And Sam Neill. You should try this soup but not sure what you could substitute for mushrooms as you'd need that bulk.

  5. Replies
    1. Melynda, I hope you enjoy it. Being in Montana I bet you could use some hot soup!

  6. I haven't found a brand of gnocchi that's not heavy, but It could be replaced with some pasta. Sounds good.

    1. Claudia, I think the brand I used was Rosso and that worked. I agree pasta would work too.

  7. I am thankful for pantry ingredients and recipes that are quick and painless like this! You've made it look delicious. This is one I've got to try!
    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Kim, we liked this quite a bit and will make again.

  8. I liked the Half Baked Harvest cookbook that I borrowed from the library a while back! The bread (and butter) looks even tastier than the soup! We're definitely into soup weather in Massachusetts since Thanksgiving Day, but we have to finish off the turkey soup I made over the weekend this week before I make more.
    We're heading to Florida for a dance weekend soon, so I hope it's warm then!

  9. Yum! I just found some baby gnocchi at the store and this might be a great use for them. Thanks for sharing your soup with Souoer Sundays this week.

  10. I think my comment using the Name/URL combo went into the ether. I loved the Half Baked Harvest cookbook I had from the library last year. Your soup looks creamy and delicious!

    1. Thank you, Laurie! This is definitely a keeper. That cookbook has some great recipes.


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