Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday sunshine

I titled it Sunday Sunshine as the rain has gone. For now. There were days when it just rained all day and into the evening. It went beyond what was good for the plants.

Books / I have been in a bit of a slump but did find several books recently that grabbed my attention. Finally have my posts up at the book site....I have been lazy.

I'll read more by this author.  This was my first novel by Swanson.

Sipping / This is a new to us wine, a Willamette Valley La Crema Pinot Noir. It was very nice but for the price we will probably go back to the Joel Gott label.

In the Kitchen / I prepared a SkinnyTaste recipe to take camping last week.  Chicken Fajita Pasta - recipe HERE -  topped with sour cream, scallions and avocado chunks.

A snapshot from Lake Seminole / A fox squirrel enjoying the sunshine and provoking Loki. 

These guys can run fast!

Sharing with Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon.


  1. We have such similar reading tastes that I put The Guide on my wish list.

    1. I hope you like it, Jackie. I am glad I read The River first for character development.

  2. Chicken fajita pasta looks good. Another one of those very tempting fusion recipes -- Italian-Mexican.

    Have a great Memorial Day!

    best... mae at

    1. Mae, I never thought about it as fusion but that's so true!

  3. You had me at avocado chunks!

    A fox squirrel!!!! I never knew such an animal existed!!! Isn't that something??? That face! Last week I learned about singing ducks on another blog, and this week, fox squirrels!

    1. Jinjer, this meal is sooo good and if you like avocado you will love this.

  4. I hate to complain about the rain when so many states are suffering from lack of rain, but enough is enough! I feel sorry for the tourists that came to the Oregon coast this weekend. It's done nothing but rain.

    I'm a big fan of Peter Heller's books (loved The Dog Stars and The River) and look forward to reading The Guide.

    I haven't tried La Crema's cab, but my mom loves their white wines. Fun that you're drinking wine from my neck of the woods. :) Our favorite affordable wine is Pra Vinera, which we can only find at Grocery Outlet. The cab is outstanding.

    I have NEVER heard of a fox squirrel! Off to google it...

    1. Les, seems it's feast or famine with the weather patterns. Truth be told I'd rather put up with wet weather than desert conditions but perhaps that's because I grew up in the east. Heller's books are so well written and I hope the character Jack appears in another upcooming book.

  5. I've never seen a fox squirrel... very cool! I really like La Crema's chardonnay. They have two different varieties and, naturally, I prefer the more expensive one. It's good for a treat. We didn't think the pinot noir was worth the price.

    1. JoAnn, they are very cool creatures, kinda a star wars look to them. We have onnly seen one in your yard and all the gray squirrels hid. Have not tried the Chardonnay by La Crema yet.

  6. We could use some rain here out West ... please send. I've liked a couple of Peter Heller's novels ... they're pretty entertaining. The wine looks good -- we're drinking Red tonight as well. Have a great week.

    1. CueCard - We go back and forth between red and white although last night I finished a Cabernet while Doug had Chablis. Wish I could send you rain!

  7. We've had so much rain...

    Love the look of Nine Lives!

    1. Greg, I liked it very much so I will try more by Swanson. Wish we could share this rain with those out west!

  8. I typically get in a slump this time of year. Something about it starting to get really hot maybe? I'm glad you've found some books that have kept your interest this time of year. I don't think I've ever seen a fox squirrel. I bet it was driving Loki nuts!

    1. Katherine, that squirrel had Loki on high alert!


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It's been a good run...........