Tuesday, January 17, 2023

It's not *only* Roasted Mushroom Pasta.....
it also has roasted tomatoes and garlic! πŸ…πŸ§„ #vegetarian

I think the name of this recipe is a little misleading. It also has roasted cherry tomatoes and roasted garlic.  But there's more!  White beans and pasta with a splash of herbed olive oil makes this a very appetizing combo of flavors.

We are trying to prepare healthier lunch options and avoiding the boring old PBJ or easy but not appealing lunch meat sammies.... this pasta salad recipe was a standout in the magazine titled Roasted.

You have protein, garlicky roasted veggies and a smidge of shaved Parmesan for a vegetarian side or lunch.  If you don't like mushrooms (and I know there are many of you who don't) just use extra tomatoes.  

I like to include the magazine photo as they are always better than anything I snap.  Probably the fresh basil sprigs gives it color here.

Here is the simple recipe and I can say we will have this one again.

1 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
8 oz. grape or cherry tomatoes, halved
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 tsp. dried oregano
1 TB olive oil
6 oz. whole grain pasta (I didn't have whole grain and used white pasta)
2 TB white wine vinegar (I was out! I used Chablis)
a bit of cracked black pepper
1 can of cannellini beans or white northern beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup snipped fresh basil
2 oz. Parmesan cheese, shaved

Preheat oven to 450 F. Line a baking sheet with foil.  Place mushrooms and tomatoes in prepared pan. Sprinkle with garlic and oregano and drizzle with 1 TB olive oil.
Roast 20 minutes until mushrooms are light brown and tomato skins begin to split.

Meanwhile, cook pasta according to directions; drain.  In large bowl combine 2 TB oil, vinegar and pepper.  Add pasta; toss to coat.

Cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. Add mushrooms, tomatoes and garlic including any liquid from the pan.  Mix in beans, basil and cheese, tossing lightly to coat.


  1. That sounds delicious. I'm always looking for better ideas for lunch. Today I made a quick casserole with tortillas, green salsa, and re-fried beans (which I made myself, fast!) Of course my go-to lunch is soup, usually a can (like tomato) plus leftovers or a can (like corn chowder or lentil) plus salsa.

    best.... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Mae, your lunches sound good. I am trying to mix it up with healthier fare.

  2. I love everything in this delicious looking pasta dish

    1. Thank you, Judee. This is definitely a repeat lunch for us. Lately we are cobbling together a Mediterrean "boards" with cherry tomatoes, grapes, cheeses, hummus and brown bread.

  3. Vicki, it's a snap to make. You could use extra tomatoes or another veggie to roast for this one.

  4. Oh, this sounds good. You know I'm not a big pasta fan but I would try this. I have finally gotten John to eat roasted tomatoes, in fact last night we had roasted tomatoes and mushrooms, so this isn't a far stretch. P.S. I like your answer above re:boards, I will do that for lunch this week.

    1. Jackie, I am a big fan of pasta so this works for me! Actually, there are so many other ingredients you don't notice the pasta as a standout. Yes to board lunches!!

  5. this sounds lovely! Pinned for later, I love that it has 1 pound of mushrooms!

    1. Melynda, I say the more mushrooms the better!


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