Tuesday, March 07, 2023

πŸ₯˜ Fassoulatha! πŸ₯˜
(or plain old white bean soup)

This week we are still clearing out the house of items we don't use/wear/read/etc.  That post was HERE.....if you want to catch up on my nerdy life :-) 

Tomorrow  the house and roof are scheduled for pressure washing so, not sure if we want to hang around as I bet it will be very noisy. Also not sure where to go for 6 hours.


In the spirit of making life simple we cleared out the fridge and made a hearty soup for dinner.  This is from a magazine called Eating Well.  There is an easy recipe for white bean soup. As we had all the ingredients in the pantry and fridge it was on the table for dinner in no time.

For the dinner we had it with garlic toast and a salad.  There was a bit left over so for the next day's lunch we had it over rice with toast.  Perfect.  

You'll see I forgot to take photos so, here is a snap from the magazine.

White Bean Soup
1 can white beans, drained
1 large onion, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 carrots, finely chopped
some olive oil
roughly 1 cup broth (chicken or vegetable)
2 large ripe tomatoes, peeled and mashed (I used a can of diced tomatoes)
2 teaspoons oregano
little bit of salt
optional is cayenne pepper if you like it

Heat olive oil in a pan and saute onions, celery and carrots, 3 to 5 minutes or until soft.  Add broth, beans, tomatoes, oregano salt and pepper if using. 
Simmer about 20 minutes, adding more broth if you like it thinner.


  1. I love soup with beans of any sort. This one looks delicious! I went through one of our closets the other day and have two bags of things to take to the thrift shop. My goal is to tackle more each weekend, but meanwhile, I'm going through all of our music cds, keeping only those we love. We have SO many!! Also busy scanning photos and getting rid of any that don't "spark joy." :) I'll bet your house looks beautiful after the power washing. We have to have our roof cleaned (and de-mossed) several times a year due to all the pine needles and small branches that wind up there whenever the wind blows.

    1. Les, this was a good soup and I would make again. maybe remember to get a photo! We have been slowing it down with the donation runs but still find more to get rid of. Tomorrow we have several boxes of vinyl albums to drop off.

  2. Vicki, we were thinking of renting a pet friendly place on the gulf for 2 nights but it had a 3 night minimum and was $1,400!! Yikes! I've never been in a house when it's pressure washed so I was wondering just how loud it could get.

    Great ideas you have though and we will definitely take Loki sight seeing tomorrow for some of that time.

  3. The soup looks delicious... I love white beans. We've never been in the house while it's being pressure washed either, but is sure is loud when neighbors have their house done!!

    1. JoAnn, this is a good soup so I recommend it. We are back home after being gone for three hours. They weren't done and oh man, it IS loud. The dog is barking himself hoarse. Water came in through the back door and are drying the floor, moving albums, etc. I can't wait until they are gone.

  4. I just pinned this because this is the kind of soup my husband loves and I love the tip of just using canned diced tomatoes. That makes this look so easy! I'll be serving this with garlic toast too because garlic toast is just the yummiest. How did the pressure washing go? It is so loud so I imagine being gone is definitely the way to go but that's a lot of time to kill!
    I saw your note on getting the ebook for the new Kate Morton book. My library has it in print but I'm debating getting the audio or ebook because her books are soooo massive and can be hard to hold.

    1. Katherine, this was easy and full of flavor and protein. Oh, the pressure washing was loud! I kinda wish we'd stayed overnight somewhere but it was good to be home as a door leaked water inside. No fault of the workers! They fired a kid who wasn't doing his job and it was quite an experience!

      Kate Morton's books Are hard to hold!! I love her books but man....such fat books to haul around :-)

  5. i love beans and i love a beany soup! We have a two-storey house and it only takes about 3 hours to clean it. and they do a hand job, they say :=)

    1. Sherry, I think this job would have gone faster if they'd had three guys instread of two. We overheard them saying "We shpuld have been done a long time ago." This job required high pressure nozzles to clean the house.

  6. I'm nerdy like you!! The kitchen should be finished this week. It's been fun rearranging things and getting rid of stuff. I got up this morning and was like "we should move the tea/coffee/mugs things to the corner cupboard and then put this there etc". I am looking forward to normal again!!
    I have an aversion to beans for some reason, I eat them but...It took me years not to pick the beans out of chili. But give me baked beans and mashed potatoes and I am in heaven. Weird.

    1. Jackie, it was fun for us to replace items and rearrange after our remodel. Oh yes to potatoes! Thansk again about London Kills :-) I just updated for Sunday Salon post.

  7. Alas I only saw season 3 for London Kills also. Hopefully season 4 will come to the library.

    1. I hope so. I check out the shows you are watching and make a list.

  8. Your soup looks delicious, and you have to love it when you have all the ingredients already and don't have to buy anything else! Thanks for sharing it with Weekend Cooking!

  9. The soup sounds lovely and not to "bean heavy" which is also nice, beans and I are not the best of friends, but I am attempting to try and teach my belly to digest them once again...

    1. Melynda, you could adjust the amount of beans to your tstae, I imagine.


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It's been a good run...........