Thursday, August 05, 2021

Hash browns and smash burgers

Hash browns can be a nice part of breakfast or a side with a grilled sandwich.  There are quite a few varieties available at the market if you don't feel like using a potato ricer or shredding your own potatoes with a grater. 

Ore Ida is a big name in the frozen section. When Doug was looking at griddle tips he came across a  guy who did a comparison of frozen and a refrigerated package called Simply Potatoes.  The refrigerated ones have turned out crispier and better than the frozen potatoes.

Another trick he tried was to use this massive sandwich press on the potatoes instead of having them loose and scattered.

We've had hash browns with breakfast as well as lunch with burgers.  Not in the same day 😗 The grill press was also used on ground beef to make smash burgers.

I'm looking forward to the press being used to make other sandwiches such as a Cuban or grilled cheese. 

Sharing with Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for Souper Sunday.  Go check out her kitchen and if you have a salad, soup or sandwich to share this week, join in!


  1. I'll have to try the refrigerated brand. They might be good in our air fryer, which we're going to take with us on our next road trip.

    1. Ooo, we have an air fryer feature in the oven. I ought to try that! But griddled is fabulous 😁

  2. I'll try the refrigerated kind because I'm not a big fan of the frozen ones.

    That hamburger looks so good!

    1. Vicki, the refrigerated ones are definitely better!

  3. I'm going to try the refrigerated brand, too... and also need to look into a grill press!

    1. JoAnn, that grill press would be good for sandwiches as well as bugers or hash browns.

  4. I've tried Simply Potato for something else (can't remember now) and do remember being pleased with it. I'll have to try the hash browns. We are having to eat at home for the next couple of weeks and have been craving breakfast food and hash browns don't do well with takeout.

    1. Katherine, as our state is ramping up with the new virus cases we are home more too. Yes, I can see the travel with hash browns wouldn't work well at all. I find that with onion rings, they are too soggy when you get home,

  5. I need to try these hash brown--now you have me craving them. ;-) Your burgers look amazing too. Thanks for sharing with Souper Sundays this week!

    1. Deb, I can't take credit as Doug prepared them yes, you ought to give them a whirl!


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