Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April's In My Kitchen event hosted by Sherry

This past month brought us mandarins - they are so sweet and I will be sad to see the season pass.  What a great snack, they are so easy to peel and almost always sweet.

For some recipe I picked up an expensive bag of wild rice blend.  Once I got it home and in the pantry I couldn't remember which recipe I had in mind.  Eventually I used it in a chicken and rice casserole and it wasn't as good as I remembered wild rice tasting. It was pretty though.


This little lunch bag was a gift from Alexian foods.  They sent me a gift pack with pate quite awhile back and included was this cool little bag.  I'm using it to transport a light lunch today.


Once upon a time we joined in on the annual family gathering for Thanksgiving.  After a while it became an issue getting my casserole dishes back after the feast.  Taking the food over in foil trays just looked tacky.  So what to do......
There is a neat little thrift store where we occasionally find treasures and we saw several casserole dishes that I thought I could use.  If they didn't make it back home then, oh well.

This cool old corning ware casserole was bought for that purpose.  But then I couldn't part with it!  Look at's old and made in the USA.  It's very difficult to find things made in the US so that alone made it a prize.  It has little feet on the bottom too.


One of the meals we had this past month was a favorite - Chicken wrapped with Bacon and Jam and Risi e Bisi which is an orzo dish.  Love this meal and it's an easy one to prepare.


I'm linking up with Sherry's Pickings for April In My Kitchen event. and sharing with  Beth Fish's Weekend Cooking Series.



  1. hi tina
    what a gorgeous casserole dish. just about everything is made in CHina these days, so it's always a pleasure to see an item made somewhere else:-) thanks for joining in with IMK this month. have a good one.

  2. Your vintage corningware is really nice -- according to the Amana Appliance History web page, the Radarange came out in 1967, so that's probably the age of your dish. I have one corningware dish that's so old it has the narrow handles. I think the newer style with wider handles has been standard since some time in the seventies. They are really durable!

    best... mae at

  3. I have a few old casserole dishes that used to be my moms and I love them. That food looks good!

  4. Tina, first THANK YOU for your recipes. I think my hubby will like the jam and bacon one -- me, too! (I have a package of chicken thighs in the freezer waiting to be transformed.) Never saw a Corningware casserole like that though despite my age and living in the U.S., LOL! Looks like you found a treasure. I do remember the "Radar Range" days... olive green appliances with orange/brown wallpaper. :) Wish I could eat your orzo risotto, but will probably have to punt with good ol' Arborio... unless you think quinoa might work. Holler if you need more wild rice recipes or cooking tips. I grew up in Minnesota and my cookbooks are rife with them. xo

  5. Sherry, thanks for hosting and you are right, so many things made in China these days. It's fun to come across something that is made elsewhere.

    Mae, thanks for the info on the dish. I was 11 years old in 1967. That's so neat that this dish survived long enough to become part of our cookware. Wonder where it lived before.

    Vicki - anything that was my mom's is a treasure. I don't have any of her cookware unfortunately.

    Kim, that chicken recipe is not only easy but delicious. I hope you and your husband like it.

  6. What a fun post! I bought that rice blend for a slow cooker stew last year and was disappointed when it hadn't cooked in the recommended time. For the second try I cooked it separately & added it at the end - still wasn't the greatest.

  7. JoAnn, I'm sorry to hear the rice didn't work out for you but glad to know it wasn't just me. I thought I may have under cooked it. Too expensive to buy it again for those results.

  8. I wouldn't be able to part with that casserole dish either!

    I will try the chicken with bacon as I have the thighs in my freezer and a package of prosciutto that needs using up.

  9. I have decades old corningware ‘inherited’ from my mum and grandma and use it often, I wouldn’t dare part with it!

    Have a great week in the kitchen

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

  10. Cool lunch bag. I love thrift store and flea market finds, and that Corningware casserole is great. I've never used that rice blend, hope it works out for you.

  11. Chicken bacon and jam - whatever could be wrong with that. Cheers

  12. I love the casserole dish! I'm a big fan of orzo though I don't think to make it as much as I should. It's so simple but takes so many flavors so perfectly. And of course anything that involves bacon is pretty much guaranteed to be good.


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It's been a good run...........