Saturday, May 02, 2020

In My Kitchen - It's May already!

May? How did that get here so soon? Actually I have trouble remembering what day it is so I've started keeping my calendar/planner open. Any day we venture out I write it in the calendar so we know, if we were to get sick, what days we were out and where we were.  What a crazy world we live in now.  I used to read apocolyptic lit but that's not on my radar these days.  Give me a mystery or lovely Rosamunde Pilcher novel. Ha...

 The In My Kitchen event will feature inside and outside this month.  It's been pleasant enough most days and evenings to bring our lunch and dinner plates out to the patio. Drinking too much wine these days but the meals kinda call for wine.....who am I to argue during the year of the plague.

This one was very good. Coudoulet de Beaucaste Cotes Du Rhone.


 This is a cool little scale that fits on the counter, doesn't take up too much room and
is handy when you need to be sure of the measurements. I am measuring yellow crookneck squash if you can't tell by the photo.


 Below is the squash casserole. We like this version quite a bit. Some squash plants are coming up in the garden so hopefully I can make this fresh.


 My husband makes the best French toast! The bread we are using for this is Trader  .
Joe's brioche.


Moet & Chandon champagne. So. Very. Good. Yeah, we are outside again.

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  1. The world is crazy, and the more I read the news the more I expect it to get worse. Looks as if you are doing well with food & wine in your kitchen and also outdoors.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thank you, Mae. We decided to splurge on beef this time. Pretty soon it will be too hot to eat outside for dinner so we are taking every opportunity now.

  2. Yes, I'm with Mae, this could be the apocalypse starting. If you read too much on FB. You've had some pretty decent meals, and good wines to accompany them. I've got some unusual squash started in back, pipinola, and it's doing well.

    1. Claudia, I haven't heard of pipinola and I hope you post about it. I am not on FB but there is sure plenty in the news to depress, I have to take it in doses. Ugh.

  3. We like a good French toast recipe

    1. Marg, I will ask him how he does it. I think 4 eggs, 1 cup of milk and vanilla. I eat way too much of it once its made!

  4. I just put Trader Joe's brioche on my shopping list! I haven't had French toast in a long time, and now I really, really want some. I think I have a pack of bacon to use up ... Breakfast for dinner??? I'm not a huge champagne drinker, but I do like Prosecco. Maybe I'll put that on shopping list as well. I swear you're one of my number-one enablers.

    1. I shouldn't be proud to be an enabler yet I'll bask in that comment. My husband and I are ecah other's enabler. Ha! Oh you won't regret that bro othe. It makes excellent French toast.

  5. I really need to get with it when it comes to joining In My Kitchen etc. I feel like I got my reading jones back and lost it when it comes to blog hops etc.

    Now I'm wanting to make a Summer Squash Casserole!

    1. Vicki, the squash casserole is so good, I don't think you'll regret it. You can still join in for In My Kitchen, the link is still open.

  6. Everything looks so good. Especially the chilled white wine! lol I've been drinking way more wine per week than I used to. I just switched my no-alcohol days from Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday to Sunday/Monday/Tuesday this week, and now as Sunday night is just about here, I am regretting it!

    1. I need to cut back on the wine but it's just so good! We have been opening wine after a meal sometimes because here (north Florida) we have been able to sit outside for meals. It's nice right now but soon will be too hot.

  7. All of your meals look lovely! I made French toast this weekend with some homemade bread. I hadn't made it in a LONG time. Take care and stay well!

    1. Thank you. Debra, we have been staying home most if the time. Trying to walk more coming up as that French toast will add the weight! That along with the pasta and bread 😋

  8. All comfort food and allowed (especially the wine). I've forgotten you live in N FL, I graduated (undergrad) from FSU. It was a long time ago. We've certainly been eating and drinking with less control than our usual habit. I have to control my daily dose of news because it gets worse each day. That squash casserole does look good, I just put my squash plants into the ground last weekend and am looking forward to having them from the garden. Stay safe.

    1. Liz, I also try and keep from reading news too much, twice a day and then I read or fiddle in the kitchen. Doug & I also graduated FSU and many people seem to love Tallahassee and stay. We, on the other hand, always wanted to leave the area but we ended up in the rural outskirts.
      The squash aren't doing anything, bug I'm hopeful!

  9. Eating outdoors is the best! Our wine consumption has increased during this pandemic, too, and I seem to be cooking more comfort food. We'll need to make some changes when this is all over ;-)

    1. JoAnn, we need to get more walking in here but it gets very hot in afternoons. Comfort food is a good thing these days. Im thinking we need a short wine break soon!

      I am certainly reading more and that's not a bad thing:_)

  10. My husband and I had a discussion about face masks the other day - how many we should have, what types we should have, how do we find a child's mask or if we should try and keep him in the more uncomfortable N95 masks and if those will even fit him - and it just seemed surreal. The French Toast looks amazing! I'm the only one here who will eat it so I don't make it very much but I do love getting it in the days we would go out for breakfast. I am making pancakes for dinner tonight so I guess that's a win. I do love the look of the squash and may have to find some soon though it's a touch early here for the really fresh stuff.

    1. The face mask dilemma- our county requires us to wear them when going out yet I see people without all the time. We have been using a dust mask type with the metal thing on the nose bridge so you can pinch ig tighter to fit. I just ordered the surgical sort. They make those with cute de designs for children & I was thinking of getting a few for my granddaughter.
      Oh my, if you could just beam over here when Doug makes French toast you'd never leave!

  11. love those cute scales. i have a pair that i use constantly when cooking and blogging. that french toast looks the bomb. nothing better, especially when smothered in butter and maple syrup. thanks for joining in IMK. great to see you. keep well.

    1. Sherry, thank YOU for being a gracious hostess as it's fun to see what everyone is doing in their kitchens.

  12. The weather is HOT here in South Florida. Your meals look great, but I agree it might be getting to hot to eat outdoors. I like the looks of that squash casserole and the scale!

    1. Judee, when I lived in Hollywood I liked the ocean breezes when it made it inland, lol. Hoping you and yours are well.

  13. French toast looks so good! It's cooling down and heading into winter in Australia, nice to see you are able to get outside!

    1. Thank you, Ursula always a pleasure to sit outdoors to eat or to read.

  14. Replies
    1. It fits just so well under a shelf on the countertop. Love it.


Welcome and thank you so much for visiting. If I don't answer you here I will get back to you on your blog. Also have had to switch to approving comments due to some SPAM lately. Alas...

It's been a good run...........