Saturday, May 20, 2023

2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge hosted at Book'd Out

As it heats up here I will most likely be inside most of the afternoons, avoiding the extreme temperatures. That means any gardening is done early - before 11:00 a.m. - and afternoons can be my crochet project and reading.

I was going to resist book challenges this year and made it to May :-) Shelleyrae at Book'd Out is the host for the 2023 Nonfiction Reader Challenge and graciously said it's never too late to join in.  Halfway through the year almost so I'll go for the Nonfiction Nibbler category and aim for 6 books. I'll update this post as I finish my selected categories.


Crime & Punishment
Social Media
The Arts
Published in 2023

Books I have in mind at present, but may change over the next 6 months, are:

Abandoned: The Most Beautiful Forgotten Places Around the World by Matthew Growcoot

Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America by Matika Wilber

Everyday Crochet: The Complete Beginner's Guide by June Gilbank

Raised Bed Revolution by Tara Nolan

Music for Prime Time by Jon Burlingame

Back to the Moon: The Next Giant Leap for Humankind by Joseph Silk

Dinner with the President by Alex Prud'Homme

It.Goes.So.Fast: The year of no do-overs by Mary Louise Kelly


  1. I've been avoiding challenges, too, but this is always one of the hardest to resist. Good luck!!

    1. JoAnn, the Classic Club is intriging as well but not sure I can make a list of 50 books. I may start a list just to see as it's heating up and I am in afternoons anyway.

  2. Yayyy! I'm doing that challenge this year, too! I hope all the books on your list turn out to be good ones!

  3. I should join this challenge, as I've been reading memoirs all month for AAPI Heritage Month.

    1. Harvee, go for it. It's always fun linking up with Shelleyrae's site, she has some great book suggestions too.

  4. Good luck with the challenges! I think that moon book would be very interesting! :)

    1. Greg, I am looking forwward to the moon book. I had to suspend it for now as a big fat Kate Morton book will be availble in my library holds any day.

  5. Best of luck with the challenge. I'm impressed you made it this far since I have little self-control with ones that fall in line with what I would normally be reading.

    1. Thank you, Mark. I figured if I were reading I may as well link up and see what others bring to the party. Get some good recommendations.

  6. You chose some very intriguing books. I'm especially interested in Abandoned: The Most Beautiful Forgotten Places Around the World; It.Goes.So.Fast: The Year of No Do-overs; and Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America. After hearing a Native American professor speak yesterday at our naturalist training day, I strongly believe it's time that we hear more Native American voices. And it does feel like it went so fast with kids, I think. Information about places that were once bustling and now are abandoned sounds revelatory.

    Good luck with your challenge, Tina. I enjoy the Nonfiction Challenge a lot.

    1. Deb, if they don't grab me I'll replace one in that category. Oh yes, it does go so very fast with children. Can't believe my son is 34!

  7. Good luck on your challenge! It sounds like you have a great plan!

  8. I should do a book challenge. You have some good selections on that list.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. I was going to look for a mystery challenge as well - found one but they won't let you sign up after March.

  9. Vicki, I was determined this year to stay out of challenges but...resistance is futile!

  10. You showed amazing restraint and to join just ONE part way through the year is to be forgiven. :) I joined this challenge for the first time this year and am working toward reading 9 books. I've only read 3 so far so better kick it in gear! Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie, I usually join 3 challenges but decided I'd sit it out this year. haha

  11. It's starting to get hot here but the worst is the humidity. It feels like the outside turns into a sauna by 9AM. What a fun challenge and what a good mix of books! I haven't read nearly as many nonfiction books as I'd like recently but the ones I have I've really enjoyed. Good luck!

    1. Katherine, we have had high humidity as well. It's too early! Hurricane season is coming up in just a week so it's time to round up the staples for when electricty fails us.
      Being this hot I will undoubtedly read more.

  12. Do you enjoy nonfiction more than fiction? I have done the challenge in the past and it's a good way to help me read more nonfiction as I tend to favor fiction. Good luck.

    1. It depends on my mood and subject matter of the nonfiction. I read way more fiction, particularly mysteries. Thanks!

  13. Good luck with the challenge! I am participating in this one too. I like nonfiction, but I am not always motivated to pick a nonfiction book up over a fiction book--so this challenge helps me with that. You've reminded me I need to get back to it! Have a great week!

    1. LF, thanks so much! I have some coming in from the library I look forward to. Hoope you gets some great books as well.

  14. So pleased you took the plunge! I know you’ll do great!

    1. Thank you, Shelleyrae! I started one already but it was deadly boring so I moved to my next book :-)
      It’s Tina, not anonymous but it comes up this way when I’m on my iPhone.


Welcome and thank you so much for visiting. If I don't answer you here I will get back to you on your blog. Also have had to switch to approving comments due to some SPAM lately. Alas...

It's been a good run...........