Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Book page

Book Page is a free publication available at the library.  I like flipping through to see which new books are showcased and get ideas for my to-read list on Goodreads. 

I saw a historical fiction review in Book Page for The Bookbinder by Pip Williams.  It mentions this is a follow-up book to The Dictionary of Lost Words.  Has anyone read either of these books and if so, could I read The Bookbinder without being totally lost?

Finished / The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton.  If you click on the book title it will take you to my review on Goodreads.  * Thank you Terrie for helping me  figure out how to link to my account :-) 

This was great to read while Hurricane Idelia was deciding where to go. We are in north Florida and landfall was south of us near Cedar Key. We were just down in that area two weeks ago when Doug delivered a telescope.  Currently we're getting rain and wind but nothing like the full force of a hurricane. 

Currently reading / The Downstairs Neighbor by Helen Cooper. The setting is London England.  I saw this on Les' site Coastal Horizons and it's a good so far.  Love a mystery.

That's my bookish roundup this week.  

Linking with:

Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon
Joy for British Isles Friday 


  1. So glad you are not getting the full brunt of the hurricane. Good grief - where it hit looks awful. The Light Pirate seems quite apropos to finish at this time. It had some mystery and scary parts to it ... a futurist take on what seems a bit to be happening.

    1. Susan, when Kirby said he never thought it would happen in his lifetime that's probably what most folks think. I do. Hurricanes have always been a part of Florida life in their season and we have only evacutaed once, for Michael. That was a book on my radar and the author surely has been through a hurricane with those descriptions!

  2. The Light Pirate is on deck once I finish my light, fluffy read (How to Walk Away). Hope you continue to enjoy The Downstairs Neighbor. It was entertaining, but it's already beginning to fade from my memory. Glad you're getting rain, but nothing too terrible from the hurricane. It looks like a nasty one!

    1. Les, I go back and forth on light fluffy reads to mysteries, nonfiction ....I am not usually a dystopian fan though. Midway through The Downstairs Neighbor now.

  3. Vicki, I will be happy to send you a copy, I always grab them when they are out.

  4. Good to hear that the hurricane didn't hit you! Have a great (safe) September.
    best, mae at

  5. I am happy to be home although with a cold! I tagged The Downstairs Neighbor love a book set in London. Stay safe.

    1. Jackie, I'm sorry to hear you have a cold, makes for a miserable couple of days. There are a lot of characters in the Downstairs Neighbor, sometimes confusing but so far it's kept my interest.

  6. The Dictionary of Lost Words was one of my favorite books of recent years -- I started The Bookbinder but the library wanted it back before I got very far in it. I suggest reading The Dictionary of Lost Words first. The Bookbinder isn't exactly a sequel, but it covers some of the same events from different perspectives.

    1. Joy, thanks for the advice about the books. I hate it when I'm reading something and feel I have missed character development. Will check out your review.

  7. My library had Book Page as well. I am usually familiar with a lot of books they feature. Have a great weekend!

    1. Cindy, I like that free publication. There are some books which I wouldn't have heard about otherwise.

  8. I am glad to hear that you missed the full force of the Hurricane. I am sure being close to it was bad enough!

    The Downstairs Neighbor looks good!

    1. Erin, it's always something during storm season s it's wise to stock up on nonperishable foods. It's so sad for the counties who recieved the full brunt of it.

  9. As a person who has lived all her life along the Texas Gulf Coast, I know what it is like to experience a hurricane, so I'm glad you did not get hit head-on. I hadn't heard about The Light Pirate until you shared it here. I've now added my name to the list at the library.

    I've seen Book Page at some of the libraries I visit. I guess it is something libraries can purchase for their patrons.

    1. Deb, I hope you are having a great time in Italy!

  10. Glad the hurricane didn't get you. I'm waiting to hear about my little house in Hudson. The guy that cuts the grass every month will let me know.

    Someone I follow sent me a couple of their past issues of BookPage one time and that little magazine is the coolest thing! I'm sure my library here in L.A. must have it and I'll look the next time I'm over there.

    I wish I liked gnocchi cuz your picture of it with the spinach and goat cheese has me drooling, but it's a texture thing for me and I just CAN'T. lol

    1. Jinjer, I had to look up Hudson as I didn't realize it was down near Tampa. Do you think you'll sell it? It's great you have someone to take care of the grass!
      Bookpage is cool and I don't know if every library has that free publication or not, You can get some ideas for new publications.

  11. I only read The Bookbinder (titled The Bookbinder of Jericho here), I understand there are links but it’s a complete story on its own
    I’m glad to hear you were unaffected by the hurricane

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae, I'm looking forward to that one. Finishing up my nonfiction and recently started a speculative fiction.

  12. Glad the hurricane wasn't a major event for you... sounds like our island got some minor tidal flooding, but everything is fine. One plus, all of sudden there are flamingos - we haven't had them for decades!! Wonder where they came from?!

    I plan to read The Light Pirate, but probably not at the height of hurricane season! ;-) And I love Bookpage, too... so many great reading suggestions there!

    1. JoAnn, I was just reading about the flamingos, they must have detoured because of the storm. I finished Light Pirate a day before Idalia was supposed to hit up here.

  13. I haven't seen the magazine or any of the books listed. I'm curious about all of them but especially The Bookbinder! The Downstairs Neighbor looks really good. I'm listening to Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris right now and it's definitely keeping my attention but I think it's a bit too dark for me.


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It's been a good run...........